EPISODE 213 - A Christmas Wedding

Previously on DALLAS:

---------------Out of the hospital, Bobby began to want to plan for the annual Ewing Bar-B-Q, which had no been held in two years.

---------------Lucy and Mitch planned their wedding for Christmas Eve, and Sue Ellen offered her home as a setting.

---------------Lucy and Daniel continued to butt heads.

---------------Cass's teenage son, Cory Winthrop, arrived in Dallas to spend Christmas with his father, but it was obvious Cory was hiding a secret.

---------------The Ewing Bar-B-Q was held, and was the biggest one in many years.

---------------Lucy found some leverage to use against Daniel when she walked in and found him in bed with none other than Cory Winthrop!

Mitch Cooper's apartment....morning....



Daniel Cooper comes out of his bedroom early one morning in December and a moment later, he walks into the kitchen, where Mitch and Lucy are having breakfast.  ''Well, good morning,'' Mitch says.  


''Morning,'' Daniel says, giving Lucy an angry look.  


''Have some breakfast,'' Mitch says.  ''Lucy made some delicious blueberry muffins.''


''No, thanks, I'm not hungry.  I'll grab something on campus.  I have to get going."


"But I worked really hard on these muffins,"  Lucy says, looking at the young man with a smile.  "And you do need your nourishment if you're gonna pass all your finals.  Have a seat, and have some breakfast.  I insist."


Daniel again looks angrily at the woman who is blackmailing him into submission.  ''Fine, I guess I could use something in my stomach,'' he says, taking a seat at the table.  


Mitch looks at his son and his future wife and smiles.  ''It sure is good to see the two of you getting along better.  What exactly happened?  What brought about this change?''


"Oh, Daniel and I just came to an understanding,''  replies Lucy.


"Well, whatever it was, I'm not complaining at all,"  says Mitch.  "Anyway, Lucy, thanks for the breakfast.  I have to get going.  I have an early consultation.  I'll see you at the hospital later."


"Sure,"  Lucy says.  "I love you."


"I love you, too.  Y'know, if you were that good a cook when we first got married, we might never have divorced,"  Mitch jokes as he gets up from the table.  "Daniel, good luck on your finals, and I'll see you this evening."


"Sure,"  Daniel says with a nod.  Mitch smiles at them again, then leaves.  After his father is gone, Daniel pushes his plate away from him.  


"What are you doing?"  Lucy asks.  "You told your father you were gonna have some breakfast.''


''No thanks, I have finals to pass, so I really don't need food poisoning today,''  Daniel says.


Lucy looks at him and smiles.  ''You've been doing really well in cooperating with me, so don't spoil it now.''


''So, what are you gonna do?  Blackmail me into being nice to you for the rest of your life?''


''Well, I'm afraid as long as you're scared to tell your father that you like boys instead of girls, you'll just have to keep being nice to me and showing me respect.''


''I could just tell my father everything,'' Daniel says.


''Yeah, you could.  But, I don't think you will.  First of all, you're too afraid of losing your father's love and respect. And second, you have your little friend to consider.  And he seems to want his father to know the truth even LESS than you want Mitch to know.  So if you told your father, you'd be blowing your little boyfriend out of the water, too, and if you really care about him, I don't think you wanna do that."


Daniel stands to his feet and looks at her.  "You have NO idea how much I hate you.''


"Yeah, well the feeling is definitely mutual."


Daniel walks to the door, then turns around to face her.  Lucy smiles at him, knowing she has the upper hand.  Daniel angrily turns and leaves.


Southfork....one week later....

Christopher, Jacob, Michael, and Lucas, are working on decorating the mansion for Christmas while Bobby watches.  Christopher is on a ladder, having hung the large wreath over the balcony.  "Okay, how's that look?"  He asks.  


"Son that looks fine,"  Bobby replies.  


"Great,"  Christopher says, coming down off the ladder.  


"House looks terrific,"  says Lucas.



"Sure does.  I do wish you guys would've let me help a little, though,"  Bobby says.


"Dad, you're still recovering from open heart surgery,"  Christopher says.  "So your job is to take it easy and let us do this."


"That's right, Grandpa.  And we can't let Michael do any climbing after what happened last year,''  Jacob says with a smile.


"Shut up,"  Michael says.  


"Okay, guys, let's have none of that,"  says Lucas. 


"I can't help it if he's clumsy," Jacob says.


"You want a bloody nose?" Michael asks.


"Alright, boys, that's enough,"  Christopher says.  


"Christopher, I feel like I've taken a trip back in time,"  Bobby says.  


"What do you mean?"


"Michael and Jacob sound just like you and John Ross when you were their age."


Christopher laughs.  "Ah, those were the days."


Heather comes out of the house.  "Hey, how's it goin' out here?"


"What do you think?"  Christopher asks.  "How's it look?"


Heather stands in front of the house and looks at it.  "Looks great.  We're ready to start on the tree if you guys wanna come help."


"Sure,"  Lucas says.  


"Oh, hey, I have to get a picture of you guys,"  Heather says, looking at Bobby, Lucas, and Michael standing together.  "Three generations.  Come on, pose for me."

 Bobby poses with a smile, Michael on one side of him and Lucas on the other, as Heather snaps the photo with her Iphone.  


"Okay, got it,"  Heather says.  "Now come on, let's get started on that tree.  Lucas and Christopher, we need you guys to bring the tree in."


"Sure,"  Christopher says.  


The group goes into the house, and Lucas grabs Heather by the arm at the front door and stops her.  "Hey, what are you doin'?"  She asks.


"Look over your head."


Heather looks up and sees some mistletoe hanging above their heads over the door.  She smiles as Lucas kisses her.


"I couldn't let that moment pass,"  Lucas says.


"Well, I'm glad ya didn't."


"I love you.  Heather, I know this has been a rough year.  But it's gonna be a great Christmas, and a great next year."


"From your lips, to God's ear,"  Heather says.  She kisses him again, then the two head into the living room.  


Christopher and Lucas bring the tree into the living room from the back porch, and over the next hour and forty five minutes, Bobby, Ann, Christopher, Courtney, Jacob, Lucas, Heather, Michael, Krystina, and Little John 

 John decorate the tree.  When the tree is finished, everyone stands back and admires the beauty of their work.  


"Well, now, I have to say that I think the tree is prettier this year than ever,"  Bobby says.


"And I have to agree with that,"  Ann says.  


"Now, we just have to get the tree in the den done,"  says Courtney.


"Well, we'd better get started then,"  Bobby says as his cell phone rings.  He takes the phone out of his pocket and looks at it.  "Oh, it's Gary.  Excuse me,"  he says, leaving the room to answer his call.  


"I hope Gary and Val are gonna be able to make it for Christmas and for Lucy's wedding,"  Courtney says.


"Oh, I'm sure they will,"  says Krystina.


"I'm sure they wouldn't miss Lucy's weddin' for the world,"  Ann says.  


"I can't wait til Christmas,"  Jacob says.  


"Yeah, I'll just bet you can't,"  says Christopher.  


At that moment, Lucy walks in.  "Hi, everyone,"  she cheerfully says.  "Oh, guys, the tree is gorgeous.  Looks better than ever."


"That's what Bobby and I were just sayin',"  Ann remarks.


"Well, Lucy, are you getting more excited as your wedding day approaches?"  Krystina asks.


"More like.......ecstatic."


"Speakin' of the weddin, we aleady got some RSVPs on the invitations, and the bridesmaids dresses will be ready tomorrow,"  says Ann.  "That'll give us a few days in case there have to be any alterations."


"Good, thanks."


Bobby returns to the room.  "Oh, Lucy, I just got off the phone with your father."


"Oh? They're still coming for the wedding, right?"


"Of course, they are.  Gary said they wouldn't miss it for the world.  Bobby, and Betsy, and her family are also coming.  Which reminds me, I need to call Jill and see if she and Craig and Casey are gonna be able to make it."


Lucy smiles.  "This is going to be the best Christmas ever, and mine and Mitch's best wedding ever.  Especially now that Daniel isn't causing anymore problems."


"Yeah, Lucy, how'd you manage that, anyway?"  Christopher asks.  "I thought the kid hated the idea of you and Mitch getting married and you were worried he was gonna do somethin' to ruin things.''


''Let's just say that Daniel and I came to an understanding,'' Lucy replies with a sly smile.

The Krebbs Ranch....

 Meanwhile, over at the Krebbs Ranch, Donna, Conner, Dylan, and Ashley are busy decorating the Krebbs Christmas tree in the family room.  "I always loved decorating the Christmas tree,"  Ashley says.  "Thank you for letting me be a part of this."


"Oh, sweety, you're more than welcome,"  says Donna.  "We appreciate the help."


"Yeah, especially since Dylan and I suck at this,"  Conner says.


Ashley laughs.  "We always had so much fun doing it together when I was growing up......my Mom and Dad, Jimmy and I."


"My Dad and I never that big a deal out of a tree when I was growing up,"  says Conner.  "We use to just find a small one, put a strand of lights on, and let it go at that."


"What about you, Dylan?"  Ashley asks.  "Did your family have any fun Christmas traditions like decorating the tree or anything?"


"No,"  Dylan replies, sadness in his voice.  "I mean, the house was always decorated really nice and everything, and there were lots of presents under the tree, but, the decorating was always done by the servants."


"Seriously?  Your folks never decorated a tree with you?"


"No.  They weren't much for traditions.  Christmas wasn't much fun at our house when I was growing up.  Neither was anything else."


Ashley looks at him with sadness, her heart breaking for the sad and lonely childhood Dylan had endured.  


"Well, those days are over now,"  Conner says.  "Ever since we've lived here, Christmas has been awesome."


"Yeah, it has,"  Dylan says, nodding.  "Ray and Donna have given me the kind of Christmases I never had growing up."


Donna smiles.  "I'm so happy to hear you say that,"  she says as Ray walks in.


"Well now, that's one good lookin' tree,"  he says. 


"Thank you,"  says Donna.  


"Ray, how come you never help us with the tree?"  Conner asks.


"Trust me, you want that tree to look any kinda way, you don't want me to touch it."


"I can vouch for that,"  says Donna.  "One year during our first marriage, I made the mistake of letting Ray help me decorate the tree.  He put all the ornaments on one side, and the tree toppled over."


Conner, Dylan, and Ashley laugh at the story, and Ray laughs at the humorous memory.  "See what I mean?  I just never was any good at that sorta thing."


"Well, you never know until you try, Uncle Ray,"  Ashley says.


"By the way, I spoke to Heath,"  Ray says.  "And he's comin' for Christmas."


The smile fades from Donna's face upon hearing the news that Ray's son is coming.  "Well, I'm sure that makes you very happy," she says.


"It sure does.  Gonna be great havin' the whole family together........Matt and Margaret and our grandson, Heath, and Conner and Dylan.  And Ashley, of course."


"Okay, the tree's finished,"  says Conner.  "Now we should get started on the lights around the house."


"Now that I can help with,"  Ray says. "I'll go get the ladder out of the barn."  He smiles, then turns and walks out of the room.  


Donna sighs.  


"Guess you're not any happier about Heath coming for Christmas than we are,"  Conner says.


"Uh, no.  Not really,"  says Donna.


"Sound like you guys don't particularly like Uncle Ray's son,"  Ashley says.


"Nope, not really,"  replies Dylan.




"Short answer......he's a real ass."


"Yeah, he's a lot like John Ross,"  Conner says.  "Always making these snide remarks to everyone."


"He's real cocky and sure of himself, or I should say full of himself,"  says Dylan.  "You'd almost think he and John Ross were brothers instead of cousins."


"But, we have to remember that Heath IS Ray's son, and he's part of this family, whether we like it or not,"  Donna says.  "And we can't let Ray know how we really feel because it would hurt him.  He loves Heath."


"And who knows,"  says Conner.  "Heath has been down in Galveston for a good while now.  Maybe he's changed."


Dylan looks at his brother.  "You really believe that?"


"No," Conner replies, as everyone laughs.

The Beaumont home....that night....


 Jimmy is assembling a Christmas tree stand in the living room of the Beaumont home that night with little Eve's help, as Debra Lynn looks on with a smile.  


"Okay,"  Jimmy says.  "Almost got it, haven't we, Evie?"


The little girl nods her head.  


"You know what this reminds me of?"  Debra Lynn asks.


"What's that?"


"Your father and Ashley when she was a little girl, and your father trying to put together that same tree stand."


"Dad would have to buy the  most complicated Christmas tree stand to put together, wouldn't he?"  Jimmy asks.


"That was your father for you."


"I really miss him, Mom,"  Jimmy says.  


"So do I.  Every single day."


Jimmy looks at his little sister.  "It sure is a shame that Evie never got to know Dad that well.  That she won't grow up with his love and his wisdom the way Ashley and I did."


"Oh, Jimmy, your father is still with us.  He'll always be with us in spirit, and he'll always be in our hearts."


"I'm sorry, Mom, but that's just not the same.  I miss him physically being here.  This will be the second Christmas without Dad, and, somehow, I thought it would be easier this year, but it's not.  If anything, I miss him more now than I did last year at this time."


Debra Lynn nods.  "I know. honey,"  she says as Ashley and Dylan walk into the house.  "Well, hello,"  Debra Lynn says to them.


"Hi, Mom, Jimmy,"  Ashley says.  


"You guys are just in time to help me with this thing,"  Jimmy says, referring to the tree stand.


"Oh not that old stand again,"  Ashley says.  "When are we ever gonna buy a new one."


"There's nothing wrong with this one,"  says Debra Lynn.  "Your father bought this stand our first Christmas together after we reunited.  It's like a family heirloom.  Dylan, how are you?"


Dylan looks at her.  ''Just fine, how are you?"  He asks, feeling awkward around Debra Lynn as he is unable to forget that he had seen her shooting up on the day of the Ewing Bar-B-Q.  


''I'm.......I'm good,"  she says.  


"Here, Jimmy, I'll help you with this,"  Dylan says.


"Thanks, man, I could really use it.  Y'know you'd think after all these years, I'd know how this thing goes."


Debra Lynn feels a sudden, stabbing pain in her side.  She turns away from her children in an attempt to hide the look of pain on her face.  


"Mom, what's wrong?"  Jimmy asks.


"Mom, are you okay?"  Ashley asks.


"I'm fine.  Would you all excuse me?  I have to get something upstairs.  I'll be back in a few minutes."  Debra Lynn heads up the stairs, each step making it painful, as Jimmy, Ashley, and Dylan watch with concern.


"Jimmy, what do you think's really going on with her?"  Ashley asks.


"I have no idea.  But I'm really getting worried about her."


Dylan looks at Ashley, then at her brother, his mind thinking back to the day of the Bar-B-Q when he had seen Debra Lynn in the foyer, injecting some drug into her arm.  He wonders whether he should mention it to Ashley, or keep it to himself.

Justin and Pamela's apartment....the next morning....

 "Okay, so here's our game plan for Christmas Eve,"  Pamela says as she and justin are sitting at the breakfast table the next morning.  "Lucy's wedding at Catlin and Sue Ellen's house, then we put in an appearance at Southfork, and then we head over to my mother's for Christmer dinner by 7.  How's that sound?"


"Sounds great,''  Justin says.  "And I got a text from my Mama, and she and my cousins are gonna be here, too."


"That's wonderful.  I think this really is gonna be the best Christmas ever."


"I know it's definitely gonna be better than last Christmas, when I was spendin' it in prison for somethin' I didn't do."


"I know,"  Pamela says.  "That was a terrible time.  But let's not talk about it.  Let's pretend that horrible time never happened."

"Darlin', I wish it was that simple.  But, you're right, let's not talk about it.  Because this year, we're here, with our boys, and we have a real bright future ahead of us."'


Pamela smiles as she and Justin lean toward each other and kiss, but their kiss is interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.  "Who can that be?"


"I'll go find out,"  Justin says.  Getting up from the table, he walks through the living room and opens the door to Jay.


"Morning,"  Jay says.


"Jay, come in."


"Thanks,"  Jay says, walking into the apartment as Pamela comes in from the kitchen.


"Jay, hi,"  she says.


"Morning, Pamela.  I know you both must be wondering what I'm doing here this early, but I have some good news that I wanted to share with you."


"Well, I always love gettin' good news.  What is it?"


"Tim Martin is gonna be released from prison later today,"  Jay replies.  "He'll be able to spend Christmas with his family.


Justin smiles.  "Oh my God, Jay, that is great news."


"Well, it took a long time, I know, but, Tim is finally gonna be free, pending a new trial, and hopefully, in the new trial I can get him an acquittal.  And Justin, this is all because of you."


"Come on, I didn't do anything.''


"Yes, you did.  You convinced me to look into Tim's case and take him on as a client. If you hadn't brought this case to my attention, that kid would've been sitting in prison for years.  He owes you a lot."


"Well, you're the one that did all the work to make this happen,"  Justin says.


"That is really terrific news,"  says Pamela.  "Jay, I hear you've taken on a new partner."


"Yes, we have.  Now that my father has semi-retired, with his blessing, Smithfield And Bennett has become Smithfield, Bennett, and Winthrop.  I'd like for you guys to meet Cass some time, he's a really good lawyer and a good man.  Well, I have to be going, I have an early meeting.  I just wanted to deliver this good news in person."


"Well, I'm glad ya did,"  Justin says.  


"And if I don't see you again before, have a Merry Christmas."


"You too, Jay, Merry Christmas,"  Justin says as Jay leaves.  


Pamela walks up to her husband and puts her arms around him.  "That was a wonderful thing you did, getting Jay to take Tim's case."


"Tim's a good kid.  He doesn't belong in prison.  I just hate that it took almost a year to get him a new trial."


"Well, at least he'll be able to spend this Christmas at home with his family,"  Pamela says as her cell phone buzzes, indicated a received text.  She takes her phone from her pocket and looks at it, the smile quickly 

disappearing from her face when she sees that the text is from Shawn.  What business could he want to discuss?  She wonders to herself.


"Pamela?  Pamela, are you okay?"  Justin asks.




"Are you okay?  You get some bad news there?"


"No, nothing like that."



"Well, who was the text from?"


"My Mom,"  Pamela lies.  "It's just that we were supposed to have lunch today, and she cancelled.  Something came up."


"Hope it's nothin' serious,"  Justin says.


"No, it's not.  I'm gonna go and check on the boys,"  Pamela nervously says, then she quickly walks out of the room, her sudden change in demeanor causing Justin to wonder what's really going on, and why his wife was acting so nervous after getting the text from her mother.


Food court at a Dallas mall....later....



"Thank you,"  Ann says to the cashier as she and Sue Ellen pick up their food and coffee at a restaurant in the food court of one of Dallas's shopping malls later.  The two women walk over to a table, where several bags filled with Christmas gifts sit.  "This smells good,"  Ann says.


"It is,"  says Sue Ellen.  "They always have the best chicken biscuits around."


"Sue Ellen, I am very glad that I was able to get you away from the office this mornin' to go Christmas shoppin' with me."


Sue Ellen smiles.  "Well, I was more than happy to get away from the office today.  Lately, I've been feeling as if I've been ,living there.  Speaking of the office, has Bobby mentioned coming back?"


"Yes, he has.  But, honestly, Sue Ellen, I'm really hopin' that he'll decide not to come back to the office."


"You mean......at ALL?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Yes.  I think it's high time Bobby retires and takes it easy, especially after the heart attack.  He's worked hard almost his whole life, at Ewing Oil, and at Southfork.  I think it's time he retired and enjoys life."


"I think you're probably right, but convincing HIM of that might not be so easy.  I can't picture Bobby Ewing sitting around doing nothing.  When I visited Southfork the other day, I could see how bored he is doing it now while recovering from the surgery.  I mean, even when he took all that time off from Ewing Oil this year, he was working on the ranch."


"I know.  So maybe you can help me convince him,"  Ann says.  "Maybe between the two of us, Christopher, and Lucas, we'll be able to talk some sense into him."


"Well, I'll certainly try.  So, I'll bet you're completely spoiling Logan this Christmas."


Ann smiles.  "Yes, I am.  I love playin' the role of doting grandma."


"Yes, it is wonderful, isn't it?"  Sue Ellen asks.  "I know I'm spoiling Little John and Ellie rotten with all the gifts I'm giving them, but, that's what grandchildren are for, to spoil.  Alex, too, even though he's 20-years-old now."


"Sue Ellen, it's hard for me to even fathom that you are the grandmother of a 20-year-old.  Or that John Ross is the father of one."


"Oh, I know.  I really wish that Alex had been in our lives when he was growing up.  It would've been so wonderful to have spoiled him when he was little," Sue Ellen says.  She takes a sip of her coffee and then a bite of her chicken biscuit.  "On a different note, are you planning on visiting Emma during the holidays?"


"Yes.  I'm gonna be flyin' out to California this Sunday, two days before Christmas Eve, with Logan, to see Emma,"  Ann replies.  "I spoke to her on the phone the other night, and she's very depressed.  This is gonna be the hardest Christmas Emma has ever spent.  I thought seein' Logan might lift her spirits a little."


"I certainly hope so,"  Sue Ellen says as Marilee Stone walks up to their table.  


"Well, well, two of the Ewing ladies,"  Marilee says.  "Hello, Sue Ellen.  Ann."


"Marilee, hello,"  says Sue Ellen.  "I had no idea you were back in Dallas."


"Yes, I'm in Dallas to spend part of the holidays with my son,"  Marilee says.  


"I must say you're looking very well.  Living in Europe must agree with you."


Marilee smiles.  "Thank you, Sue Ellen, it does.  Although I admit I do get homesick for Dallas quite often.  In fact, in 2020, I plan to be spending more time in Dallas.  I really want to forge a real relationship with my son, Bradley."


"Well, better late than never,"  Sue Ellen says. 


Marilee is annoyed by the comment.  "Yes, well, you ladies enjoy your holidays.  Happy shopping."


"Thank you, and you, too,"  Ann says as Marilee walks away.  After she is out of earshot, Ann and Sue Ellen laugh.  "I loved that 'better late than never' comment you made to her,"  Ann says.


"Marilee has always gotten under my skin.  I thought it was time I paid her back after all these years."


"Well, you did great.  Are we ready to go on with our shopping?"


"I'm all set.  I'd like to go to Bath & Body Works."


"Good and I have lots more presents to buy,"  Ann says as the women get up from their seats.  


"We aren't going to be able  to carry all this stuff."


"I know.  I'll have to have some of it delivered,"  Ann says.

Westar Oil....

 Shawn's secretary, Carol, buzzes his office.  "Pamela Ewing is here to see you, Mr. Smith."


Seated at his desk in his office, Shawn smiles.  "Thank you, Carol. Send Mrs. Ewing in."  Shawn stands and walks in front of his desk.  A few seconds later, Pamela walks into the office.  "Pamela, how nice of you to come."


"What do you want, Shawn?"  Pamela asks, annoyed.  


"Would you like a drink?"


"No, I wouldn't like a drink.  I wanna  know why you wanted to see me and what business you and I could possibly have to discuss."


"Well, there's a little matter of some Westar stock your husband happens to be in possession of."


"And what does that have to do with me?"


"It has a lot to do with you,"  Shawn says.  "I want you to convince Justin to sell those shares to me."


"You've got to be kidding.  There's no way Justin would EVER sell them to you."


"Normally, no. But I've thought that out.  Justin would never sell to me, but he might just sell those shares to a third party, someone who seemingly has no stake in this fight between Westar and Ewing Oil."


"Someone acting on your behalf, you mean,"  Pamela says.


"Naturally.  Justin sells to this uninterested third party, who then turns around and sells the shares to me.  Everyone wins.  And I'm sure you can persuade him it's in everyone's best interest to sell, if you try hard enough.""


"Why should I?"  Pamela asks.


"Well, for two reasons.  Two ways this can benefit you if Justin sells those shares to me.  First of all, with Justin holding on to the shares, it puts him square in the middle of this whole fight between Westar and Ewing Oil and I'm sure you don't like that one bit.  Especially with your brother working for Westar.  And second of all, there's still that little secret you and I share.  Y'know it was just about this time last year that you and I slept together.  And I'm gonna guess that Justin still has no idea about that."


"I was wondering when you were gonna get around to that,"  Pamela says.  


"Good, then we understand each other," Shawn says.  "You convince Justin to sell the Westar shares he got from his sister to a third party, and your husband need never find out that you had sex with me while he was sitting in prison last year for my brother's murder."


"You listen to me, Shawn.  You say one word about that to anyone, and........"


"And what, Pamela?  Just what are you gonna do?  I'm the one holding all the cards here.  We have a secret that you don't want your husband to know about because it could blow your marriage apart.  All I'm asking is that you get Justin to sell those shares.  And do anything you have to do to make that happen.  I want those shares, and I want total control of this company.  The Oil Baron's Ball is on New Year's Eve as usual.  You have until then."


"And what if I can't get him to sell those shares to anyone?"  Pamela asks.  "I've already talked to him about this and he refuses to go against Jill's wishes."



Shawn looks at her.  "Well, you had better get him to sell.  Convince him that it's the only way to save your marriage, which, technically, if true.  Because if I don't get those shares on or just after New Year's Eve........you can kiss your marriage to Ewing number three goodbye."


Pamela looks at him angrily.  "You listen to me, you pathetic little bastard.  I'll do what you want, because I truly DO want my husband to be rid of those damned Westar shares once and for all so he's not caught in the crossfire of yours and my brother's war with John Ross.  You and John Ross can kill and drag each other to hell for all I care.  But I swear, if you say a word to Justin about what happened between us last year....... I'll send you to hell myself."


"Am I supposed to be scared of that threat?"  Shawn asks.


"You'd better be,"  Pamela says.  She angrily glares at him for another couple of seconds then turns and storms out of the office.  After she's gone, Shawn smiles.  

Perry's Steakhouse And Grille....that evening....





Jay Smithfield is having dinner that evening at Perry's with Cass Winthrop and Cass's 19-year-old son Cory.  


"It's a shame Gail had to work late tonight,"  Cass says.  


"Yes, it is, but she has a big case that's going to trial right after Christmas, so she had to go over some depositions, and prepare her opening statement so she wouldn't have to do it over the Christmas holiday.  But I really appreciate the two of you having dinner with me so I didn't have to eat alone."


"Oh, think nothing of it,"  says Cass.  "It saved me from having to cook tonight."


"And me from having to eat his cooking,"  Cory says, as Jay laughs.  


"Cory, are you looking forward to starting classes at the University of Texas after the holidays?"  Jay asks.


The smile suddenly disappears from Cory's face.  "Umm, yeah, I am."


"Cass you must be really proud."


Cass looks at his son.  "Oh, I am."


"And Cory, what about your mother.....ummm, Lila, is it?  You won't be seeing her during Christmas?"


"No, sir,"  the young man replies.  "I spent Thanksgiving with her, so she's spending Christmas with my sister, Jasmine."


"Oh?  Cass, I didn't know you had a daughter named Jasmine,"  Jay says.


"I don't.  Jasmine is my former stepdaughter.  She's Cory's half-sister through his mother."


"We Winthrops have a pretty complicated family tree, Mr. Smithfield,"  Cory says.


"Oh, listen, I'm sure you have NOTHING on my family tree, believe me,"  Jay says as Lucy and Mitch walk over to their table.


"Hi, Jay,"  Lucy says.  Cory is stunned when he sees Lucy.


"Well, hello, Lucy. Mitch."


"Jay, how are you?"  Mitch asks.


"I'm just fine.  Hey, listen, congratulations to you both.  I heard about the  wedding."


"Well, thank you,"  says Lucy.  "And Jay, I would like to issue a personal invitation to you. It's gonna be at Catlin and Sue Ellen's house on Christmas Eve"


"I'd love to come."


"Terrific,"  says Mitch.  "The wedding is gonna be at 1 o'clock."


"I'll be there.  Oh, by the way, Lucy, Mitch, have you met my new law partner, Cass Winthrop?"


"We haven't formally met, but I have seen you and heard a lot about you,"  Lucy says.


"Cass, this is Lucy Ewing and her fiance, Dr. Mitch Cooper,"  Jay says.  


"Lucy and Mitch, it's a pleasure."


"Pleasure's all ours,"  says Mitch.  "We hope that you'll be very happy in Dallas."


"I'm sure I will be,"  Cass says.  "And this is my son, Cory.  He's here visiting me for Christmas."


Lucy is shocked when she looks at Cass's son for the first time and sees that Cory Winthrop is the same boy she had caught Daniel in bed with the day of the Bar-B-Q.  "Umm, hello,"  she says, awkwardly.


"Hi,"  Cory very nervously says, feeling an extreme sense of embarrassment at seeing Lucy at the restaurant.


"Cory, it's very nice to meet you,"  Mitch says.


"Yeah, you, too, Dr. Cooper."


"Well, our table is ready, so we'll let you enjoy your dinner,"  Mitch says.  "Jay, hope to see you at the wedding.  Cass, Cory, it was nice meeting you both."


"Thank you, it was lovely meeting the both of you,"  Cass says.


"Uh, look, ummm, Cass, if you have nothing better to do and you'd like, you and Cory are invited to the wedding, too,"  Lucy says.  "I know that you and Catlin are old friends."


"Yes, we are, Catlin and I knew each other many years ago in Bay City.  And, we'd love to come."


"Terrific.  Bye."  Lucy looks curiously at Cory to see his reaction, then she walks away with Mitch.


"Well, imagine that,"  Cass says.  "Cory, looks like we have something to do after all Christmas Eve."


Cory nervously watches Lucy and Mitch as they take their seats at their table across the room.


Cory is waiting just outside of Mitch's apartment building later that night when Daniel walks out to meet him.  "Hey,"  Daniel says.




"What's up?  Your text sounded urgent."


"Dude, you'll never guess who my father and  I ran into at dinner tonight,"  Cory says.  


"Who?"  Daniel asks.


"Your father and that woman he's engaged to.  Daniel, why didn't you tell me that your Dad's girlfriend is a Ewing?"


"What difference does that make?"


"A lot,"  says Cory.  My Dad's new partner is Jay Smithfield, and he's connected to the Ewings.  And not only that, your Dad's girlfriend invited my Dad and  me to their wedding on Christmas Eve."


"She did WHAT?"  Daniel asks, surprised.  "Did your Dad accept the invitation?"


"Yeah, he did.  Daniel, what are we gonna do?  If I say I don't wanna go, then my Dad is gonna wonder why."

"Lucy did this out of spite,"  Daniel says.  "Tryin' to cause trouble, but she's not gonna get her way.  You and your Dad come to the wedding.  We'll just act like we don't know each other.  Like we're meeting for the first time at the wedding.  Dude, it's gonna be okay."


"What if Lucy says something....."


"She won't.  Not as long as I keep doing what she wants and treating her with respect."


"That's gotta be killing you.  I know how much you dislike her."


"It's hard,"  says Daniel.  "But, she'll trip herself up eventually and when she does, I'll be waiting.  I'll get her out of my Dad's life and mine.  Just don't worry, Cory.  It'll be okay."


"I hope you're right.  If my Dad finds out about us, and that I got kicked  out of school and lost my scholarship to the University.......well, it won't be good,"  Cory says, a worried look on his face.  Daniel puts his arm around him.

Southfork....five days later....Christmas Eve....

As soft Christmas music plays, Bobby is standing in front of the beautiful Christmas tree in the den looking at it, and the colorfully wrapped gifts underneath.  After a moment, he quietly walks from the den into the foyer, and

then into the living room and looks at the beautiful and elegant tree in there.  He watches the lights on the tree for a minute and looks at the portrait of his father, Jock, on the mantle.  He smiles.  "Merry Christmas, Daddy," he says.  Ann comes down the stairs and walks into the room, putting her arm around her husband.  "Honey, the tree in the den is gorgeous,"  Bobby says.


"Thank you,"  Ann says, smiling.  


"This is gonna be the best Ewing Christmas ever.  Gary, Val, their kids and grandkids, Jill, Craig, and Casey are all comin' from California, Matt and Margaret are gonna be up from Austin.  I even talked to Clay, and he's coming too..  The ENTIRE family is gonna be together, all under one roof.  I think this is the first time this whole family has ever been together in the same place at the same time."


"And do you know what REALLY makes this the best Christmas ever?"  Ann asks.


"No, what's that?"


 "The fact that you're here, and almost fully recovered from your heart surgery,"  Ann says.  "Bobby, I'm so thankful.  The only thing that would make this a perfect Christmas would be if........"  Ann pauses.


"If Emma were here,"  Bobby says, finishing her sentence.  "I know.  I wish she were here, too."


"I think it really did Emma good to see Logan the other day.  I'm glad I took him to see her."


"So am I,"  Bobby says as Alex and Lucas walk into the room, a sad look on their faces.  


"Alex, what's wrong?"  Ann asks.


"I just got off the phone with my Mom,"  Alex says.  "Her flight got cancelled.  The airport in New York is closed because of the weather.  She tried to get a flight on another airline, but they're all closed, thanks to a big winter storm hitting the northeast.  So Mom won't be here for Christmas."


"Oh, no,"  says Ann.


"I'm sorry to hear that Charlie won't be able to make it,"  says Bobby.


"And since Charlie was gonna have  Christmas dinner with Mom and can't make it, Mom's gonna be alone,"  Lucas says. "So, I guess Heather and Michael and I should go over and have dinner with her."


"Son, I was really countin' on the whole family bein' together,"  says Bobby.


"I know but I don't want Mom to be alone on Christmas."


"Well, I have a solution,"  Ann says.  "Invite Jenna over here for Christmas."


Bobby looks at his wife.  "Honey, are you sure you'd be okay with that?"


Ann looks at him, then at Lucas.  "Of course. After all, it's Christmas."


Lucas smiles and hugs his stepmother.  "Thanks, Ann.  I'll call Mom now and invite her," he says, he and Alex leaving the room.  


Bobby puts his arms around Ann.  "That was a beautiful thing you did."


"Like I said, it's Christmas,"  Ann says, smiling.

Downtown Dallas....a short time later....



Afton and Pamela are walking down a street in Dallas lined with trees decorated with Christmas lights late that morning, carrying bags of Christmas packages.  "I sure hope I'm not spoiling the boys buying them all these gifts, but, I love spoiling them."


"I know, Mom,'' Pamela says. 


"You and Justin are going to be at the apartment by 7, right?"

"Yes, we'll be there."


"I phoned Brad and invited him over for Christmas dinner, since I thought he might be alone, but Marilee is in town, so they're spending Christmas together."


"That's nice,"  Pamela says. "I'll try and see Brad tomorrow."


"Darling, what's wrong?"  Afton asks.  "You've been unusually quiet all morning.  Christmas shopping always excited you, especially last minute Christmas shopping like we just did."


"I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind."


"Justin owning that Westar stock?"


"How'd you know?"


"Well, you've been worrying about it for a while now.  I just figured.  Honey, there's no sense worrying about something you can't do anything about."


"But I actually CAN do something about it,"  says Pamela.  "I can convince Justin to sell that stock to someone."


"Someone like who?"  Afton asks.


"I don't know.  But if Justin holds on to those shares, it's gonna mean trouble, and I wanna start the new year and new decade off free of all that."


"Well, good luck, sweetheart,"  Afton says.  "I really hope Justin will agree.  In the meantime, we'd better get these packages home.  It's almost 11.  We only have two hours til the wedding."  The two women reach Afton's car, parked along the street.  Afton unlocks the car and they put their packages in, then get into the car.

Cass Winthrop's apartment....

 "Cory, are you almost ready?"  Cass yells to his son from the living room of his new apartment while Cory gets ready in his bedroom.  "We have to leave soon."


"Be ready in a few minutes, Dad!"  Cory yells back.  '


"Well, hurry.  You want another one of these sausage biscuits before I throw them out?"


"Nah I'm good!"


"Okay, then they're going in the trash."  Cass walks over to the table, picks up the three sausage biscuits left over from breakfast, and tosses them into the trash can just as the doorbell rings.  "Oh, I wonder who that can be."  Cass walks through the living room and opens the door.  His mouth falls open in shock when he sees a dark haired woman standing in the hall with a big smile.  


"Merry Christmas, Cass,"  the woman says.  




"In the flesh.  Well, aren't ya gonna let me in?"


"Yes, of course,"  Cass says.  Lila walks in and he closes the door behind her.  


"Nice apartment,"  Lila Winthrop says.


"Thanks.  Umm, Lila, what are you doing here?  I thought you were spending Christmas with Jasmine."


"I was, but my daughter decided she would rather go skiiing on Christmas with some friends from school than spend it with her mother, so, rather than spendin' the holiday alone, I decided to come spend it with you and our son.  Where is Cory?"


"He's in his room,"  Cass replies. "We're actually getting ready to go to a wedding."


"A wedding.  Oh, nice.  I love weddings, especially Christmas weddings."


Cory comes into the living room, and is stunned to see his mother.  "Mom!"


"Hey, sweetheart,"  Lila says, greeting her son with a hug.  


"Mom, what are you doing here?"


"Well, as I was telling your father, your sister made other plans, so rather than spendin' the holiday alone, here I am. I hope I'm welcome."


"Of course, you're welcome.  Right, Dad?"  Cory asks, looking at his father.


Cass looks at his son, then at his ex-wife.  "Yes, of course, Lila, you're welcome."


Lila smiles at Cass.

Catlin and Sue Ellen's home....later....

By early afternoon, Catlin and Sue Ellen's home is filled with people gathered for the third, and hopefully LAST, wedding of Mitch Cooper and Lucy Ewing.  As the various wedding guests, which mainly consist of members of Lucy's and Mitch's families, mingle and visit downstairs in the living room, foyer, and dining room, upstairs, Lucy is getting dressed in Catlin and Sue Ellen's bedroom, with the help of Ann, Sue Ellen, Valene, Afton, Pamela, and Lucy's sister, Betsy.  


"Lucy, that dress is absolutely gorgeous,"  Betsy says.


"It sure is, sweety,"  says Val.  


"Thanks, guys.  I lucky to find this one, on such short notice.  We didn't really have time to do much in the way of planning."


"Well, I think that, even with such a short amount of time, everything has come together perfectly,"  Sue Ellen says.


"Yes, and Sue Ellen, I can't thank you enough for letting us have the wedding here,"  Lucy says.


"Oh, Lucy, it's my pleasure.  You and I weren't always close.  In fact, we didn't always get along at all.  But I'm very happy to be able to do something for you now.  And I'd like to tell you something that's long overdue for me to tell you.......I love you, Lucy."


"Oh, Sue Ellen, I love you, too,"  Lucy says, hugging her former aunt.  


"Lucy, it means a lot that you asked Pamela and I to be brides maids,"  Afton says.  "Especially since you and I haven't always gotten along, either."


"Well, Afton, you know, I want Mitch and I to start THIS marriage off on the right foot, which means putting any animosity with anyone in our two families aside and starting fresh."


"And, is that workin' with you and Daniel?"  Ann asks.


"Well, we're getting there."


"Now we need to do the something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue,"  says Val. 


"And I'd like to start with something old,"  Sue Ellen says.  She walks to her dresser, opens the second drawer, and takes out a box, which she brings over to the bride.  "Lucy, J.R. gave these to me several years ago,"  she says, opening the box.  "They were Miss Ellie's pearls.  I want you to have them."


"Oh, Sue Ellen, thank you.  I don't know what to say.  Are you sure?"


"Yes.  I think that, as Miss Ellie's oldest granddaughter, it's only right that YOU should have these."


"Sue Ellen, I don't know what to say.  Thank you."  Lucy hugs Sue Ellen again. 


"You're welcome."


"I'll take good care of these, and Betsy, one day when something happens to me, these are yours to pass on to Laura."


Betsy smiles.  "Well, thank you, sis."


"Well, I also have something old for you,"  Val says.  She opens her purse and brings out a locket.  "Lucy, this locket belonged to your other grandmother, my Mama, Lilimae Clements.  I want you to have it." 


"Mama, thank you.  Would you put it on for me?"


"Sure,"  Val says.  Lucy turns around and her mother attaches the locket around her neck.  "Now you have something from both of your grandmothers."


"Well, I suppose your dress can count for somethin' new,"  says Ann.  "So we'll move on to the somethin' borrowed.  Lucy, here is a handkerchief that I carried with me the day Bobby and I were married."


"Thanks, Ann."


"And here is your something blue,"  Pamela says.  "The blue garter I wore when Justin and I were married."


"Pamela, thanks.  You've all been so wonderful."


"Lucy, do you know what this reminds me of?"  Sue Ellen asks.  "The day of your first wedding to Mitch at Southfork.  We were all in your bedroom helping you get ready, and handing out the old, new, borrowed, and blue."


"Oh, I remember that,"  Val says.  "Lucy, you made a beautiful bride that day, and you make a beautiful bride today."


"Yeah, almost 40 years older, and hopefully, a lot wiser this time,"  Lucy says.  


"Well, it's almost time to get started,"  Sue Ellen says.  


"Nervous, Lucy?"  Betsy asks.  


"Surprisingly, yes."

A few minutes later....the living room....

As the wedding march plays, Mitch stands in front of the fireplace waiting for his bride, Daniel at his side, serving as a very reluctant best man for his father, and the minister on the other side of him.  Ann comes down the stairs first, as Maid Of Honor, and marches into the living room and down the isle.  She is followed by Betsy, then Afton, and then Pamela.  The chairs are lined up in rows, on each side of the isle the bride is to walk down.  On one side of the isle is seated Bobby, Christopher, Courtney, Jacob, Lucas, Heather, Michael, Justin, little Hunter and Randall, John Ross, Krystina, Little John, Alex, Bridget, Lucy's brother Bobby II, Daniel Avery, Daniel and Betsy's kids Laura and Danny, Jill and Craig Anderson and their son Casey.  On the other side is seated Ray, Donna, Matt and Margaret Culver and their son Ethan, Ray's son Heath, Conner, Dylan, Ashley, Debra Lynn, Jimmy, Catlin, C.J., Eric Love,  Cass Winthrop, his son Cory, Cory's mother Lila, and Jay Smithfield. 


The entire assembled group turns their attention on Lucy, as she comes down the stairs and takes the arm of her father, Gary, just as she had done at her first wedding to Mitch almost 39 years earlier.  Gary Ewing smiles at his daughter, then the two slowly march into the living room and down the isle to Mitch.  Gary places his daughter's hand in Mitch's, then takes his seat beside Bobby on the first row.  


The minister begins:  "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today on this beautiful Christmas Eve in the presence of God and this company to witness the joining together of this man, Mitchell Cooper and this woman, Lucy Ann Ewing, in holy matrimony.  The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by His presence and first miracle at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and His Church, and Holy Scripture commends it to be honored among all people.  The union of husband and wife is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given each other in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God's will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God.  

Into this union Lucy and Mitch now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully wed, speak now, or else forever hold your peace.  Lucy, will you have this man to be your husband; to live together with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto him as long as you both shall live?"


"I will,"  Lucy replies.


"Mitch, will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together with her in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live?"


"I will,"  Mitch replies.  


"And now, for the vows,"  the minister says.  "Mitch, take Lucy's right hand in yours, and recite your promise to her."


"In the name of God, I, Mitchell, take you, Lucy, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow."


Lucy and Mitch drop hands.  "Lucy, take Mitchell's right hand  in yours and recite your promise to him," the minister says.


Lucy takes Mitch's right hand in hers.  "In the name of God, I, Lucy, take you, Mitchell, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow."


"And now, the rings,"  the minister says.  


Daniel reluctantly hands his father the ring.  


"Mitchell, place the ring on Lucy's finger and repeat after me,"  the minister says.  "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."


Mitch places the ring on Lucy's left ring finger, and repeats the minister's words:   "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."  Meanwhile, Daniel rolls his eyes.  


"And now, Lucy,"  says the minister.  "Place the ring on Mitchell's finger, and repeat these words:  'I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.'"


Little John, the ring bearer, holds up the ring on a pillow.  Lucy takes the ring and places it on Mitch's left ring finger, repeating the minister's words:   "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."


The minister continues:  "Now that Mitchell and Lucy have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce that they are husband and wife, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.  Mitchell, you may kiss your bride."


As the congregation watches, Mitch and Lucy share a passionate kiss.  Again, Daniel rolls his eyes.



 By late afternoon, Southfork is filled with family---------Bobby, Ann, Christopher, Courtney, Jacob, Lucas, Heather, Michael, Jenna, John Ross, Krystina, Alex, Bridget, Justin, Pamela, Ray, Donna, Margaret, Matt, Heath, Gary, Val, Lucy, Mitch, Daniel, Bobby II, Betsy, her husband Daniel Avery, their kids Laura and Danny, Jill, Craig, Casey, Debra Lynn, Jimmy, Ashley, Dylan, Conner, and a few friends-------Jay Smithfield, Cass Winthrop, his former wife Lila, and son Cory--------as the Ewings' annual Christmas gathering is well under way.  Laura and Danny Avery are playing with Little John, Ellie, and little Ethan Culver on the floor near the Christmas tree.  Jacob and Michael are getting reacquainted with Casey as the boys sit on the stairs in the foyer.


"How do you like living in California, Casey?"  Jacob asks.  


"I love it,"  Casey replies, his voice, like Jacob's also having deepened since he moved to California several months earlier.  "My school is good, and the neighborhood is awesome.  I love living next door to Danny and Laura and Dylan.  I always have somebody to hang out with."


"Don't you ever miss Braddock?" Jacob asks.

"I miss my friends, and I miss my Mom,"  Casey says, some sadness in his voice.  "But, California is like a whole new life for me.  I really like my parents, and.......it's just different, but in a good way."


"It's good you're doing so well," says Michael.


"Thanks.  Hey, did you ever think a year ago that the three of us would be sitting here like this, talking like friends?"  Casey asks.


"Well, I sure never did,"  Jacob says.  "You've changed a lot, Casey.  You're actually a pretty likeable kid now."


Casey laughs.  "Thanks.  And Mikey, who would've thought we'd turn out to be cousins?"


"Not me."


Casey lowers his head and pauses for a moment.  "I'm, uh, I'm really sorry for all the crap I did last year.  For picking on you and bullying you and everything."  Casey extends his hand to Michael.  "Friends?"


Michael shakes Casey's hand.  "More than friends........cousins."




"Hey, why don't we go outside and toss the football around?"  Jacob suggests.


"How about a game of basketball?"  Casey asks.  


"We can't,"  Jacob replies.  "Too many cars parked around the goal.  Everyone would have to move them, and they won't want to."


"I'll go up and get the football,"  Michael says,  He stands to his feet and rushes up the stairs.  


"I'll see if Danny wants to play,"  Casey says.  


"Okay, I'll go out and pick a spot,"  Jacob says as he goes out the front door and Casey goes into the den, passing by Jill, Craig, and Bobby.  


"Where are you headed in such a rush?"  Craig asks his son.


"We're gonna toss the football around and I'm gonna get Danny,"  Casey replies as he keeps walking.


Bobby smiles.  "I can't believe how much that kid has grown up since you guys moved to California.  What the heck do they put in the food out there?"


"I've been wondering the same thing, Bobby," Craig says.  "Pretty soon, Casey's gonna be as tall as I am."


"He's already taller than me,"  Jill says.


"Well, honey, that's not hard,"  Craig jokes.


"Very funny, Detective."


"And his voice has gotten so deep,"  Bobby says as Michael comes back down the stairs.  Hearing his grandfather talking about Casey, Michael stops on the stairs and



"Tell me about it,"  says Jill.  "It's amazing how Casey has grown and changed since we moved to California."


"Well, kids seem to hit puberty earlier now days than they use to,"  Craig says.  "I noticed Jacob's voice has changed, too."


"Yes, and he seems to grow a couple inches a month,"  Bobby says.  Listening to this talk of his cousins, one of which is the same age as he, both hitting puberty when he hasn't, makes Michael sad.


"Casey goes through clothes like crazy,"  Jill says.  "I wish there was a way to stop Casey from growing up so fast, especially since Craig and I missed out on having him with us when he was a little boy."


As Bobby is about to say something, the front doorbell rings.  "Oh, excuse me, would ya?"  He says.  He walks over to the door and opens it to find Clay Beaumont.  Bobby smiles.  "Clay."


"Hello, and Merry Christmas.......Uncle Bobby."

"Clay,"  Bobby says.  "Come in, and welcome."


"Thank you,"  Clay walks into the house.  


"Well, glad to see you did make it,"  Jill says.


"Yes.  Yes, I did.  Hello, Craig."


"Clay, how's it going?"  Craig asks, shaking his hand.


Goin' great.  Merry Christmas, guys."


"Merry Christmas to you,"  says Jill.


"Clay, everybody's packed in the den,"  Bobby says.   "Just go on in."


"Thanks,"  Clay says.  He walks into the den, followed by Craig and Jill.  


"CLAY!"  Ashley exclaims, seeing her half-brother.  She runs over and gives him a hug.  "Clay, I'm so glad you're here.


"Hey, sis, it's great to see you."


John Ross walks over to them.  "Well, well,"  he says, looking at Clay.  "Can't believe you actually had the nerve to show up here."


"I was invited,"  Clay says.


"Bein' invited's one thing.  Acceptin's another."


"John Ross, leave him alone,"  Ashley says.  


"John Ross, Clay is here at my invitation,"  Bobby says.  "He's part of this family and he's welcome here."


"Fine,"  John Ross says.  He turns and walks away.  


Clay smiles.  "I see he's just as charming as ever."


"Don't pay him any attention,"  Ashley says.  "Come on."  She grabs Clay by the arm and takes him over to where Jimmy, Debra Lynn, and Dylan are talking to Justin and Pamela.  "Everyone, look who's here."


"Clay, good to see you again,"  Justin says. 


"Justin, good to see you, too."


"Clay, how're you doin'?"  Dylan asks.


"Just fine,"  Dylan.  Clay looks at his brother. "Jimmy, Merry Christmas."


Jimmy looks at him.  "Yeah, thanks.  Merry Christmas to you, too."  In a surprising move, Jimmy extends his hand to Clay.  For a moment, Clay hesitates, then the two Beaumont brothers shake hands, much to Ashley's delight.  


Debra Lynn smiles, but she is suddenly stricken with a terrible pain, causing her to wince.  "Would you all excuse me?"  She asks.  


"Mom, are you okay?"  Ashley asks. 


"Yes, I just need to freshen up.  I'll be right back."  


Dylan watches Debra Lynn with suspicion as she leaves the room.  "I'll be back,"  he says to Ashley.  Dylan quickly leaves the room.  He follows Debra Lynn who goes into the living room, and then down the hallway

leading to the rear bedrooms and  bathroom.  Dylan watches as Debra Lynn goes into the guest bedroom at the end of the hall.  He follows, and stands outside of the bedroom watching through a crack in the door as Debra Lynn takes a syringe from her purse and a vial filled with something, obviously some kind of drug.  Debra Lynn fills the syringe, then injects the drug into her arm.  Within a few seconds, she breathes a sigh of relief as the pain medication begins to take effect.  After witnessing this, Dylan quietly turns and walks away, convinced that Debra Lynn is taking some street drug.  






Meanwhile, Lucy is in the foyer talking to Ray, Donna, and Conner, when she sees Cory Winthrop come out of the den and go into the living room.  "Would you all excuse me, please?"  Lucy asks.  "I  think I'm gonna get some more eggnog."


"Sure, Lucy,"  Ray says.  Lucy walks into the living room and sees Cory go down the adjacent hallway, passing Dylan as he is coming back from spying on Debra Lynn.  Dylan and Lucy nod and smile as they pass each other in the living room.  Walking to the entrance of the hallway, Lucy sees Cory go into the bathroom down the hall.  She decides to wait for him.  A few seconds later, Debra Lynn comes back down the hall.


"Lucy,"  Debra Lynn says, feeling better after taking her pain medication.  "That was certainly a lovely wedding ceremony."


"Thank you."


"Well, I'm gonna go and rejoin the party before my kids wonder what happened to me"


Lucy smiles at her as Debra Lynn leaves the room.  Lucy patiently waits more than a full minute until Cory comes out of the bathroom.  Then she meets him as he is coming back down the hall to the living room.  "Hello,"  she says to the young man.


"Hello.  Ummm, congratulations on your marriage,"  Cory nervously says.


"Thank you.  You know, I was very surprised the other night to find out that you're Cass Winthrop's son.  Quite a coincidence."


"Yeah, I guess so."


"Cory, is it?"  Lucy asks.


"That's right."


"How in the world do you even know Daniel, anyway?  You and your father are from Illinois, right?"


"Yes, ma'am. Bay City."


"Then how  did  you happen to meet Daniel?"


"I actually met him through a mutual friend on Facebook,"  Cory says.




"Yeah, you know Bridget McKinnon, right?"


"Of course.  She's my cousin Alex's girlfriend."


"Well, I grew up with Bridget in Bay City.  And, a few months ago when I found out I was gonna be transferring here to Texas for school, I was hoping to make some new friends here.  Bridget was the only person I knew who lived in Texas, so, I looked at her friends list, and there was Daniel.  Something about him just struck me, so I sent him a friend request and he accepted.  We started talking.  At first it was just like, 'hey man, what's up?' and that sort of thing.  Neither of us had any idea at first that the other was........"


"Gay,"  Lucy says.


"Yeah.  Then one day we started sharing more personal stuff.  We were both bored, so we'd get on Facebook and chat for hours at night.  Even video chat.  Then, I told him, and  he said he had been struggling with the same issues, so, a couple months ago, we made plans to meet.  I had to go to Austin to meet with some people at the University about my scholarship, and Daniel drove down and we met for the first time in person.  We hung out, and......"


"Okay, you don't have to give me the details,"  Lucy says.


"When I first started talking to Daniel, I had no idea my Dad would end up moving here to Dallas,"  Cory says.  "Or that I'd end up at Daniel's Dad's wedding."


"Really is a small world, huh?  Made even smaller by social media."


"Look, Mrs. Cooper,"  Cory says.  "If my Dad ever finds out.......my Dad is, well, he's pretty open minded when it comes to someone else being gay, but, his own son?  I don't think he'd take that well at all.  So please, you can't say anything about me, and especially not about me and Daniel."


Lucy sighs.  "Look, Cory.  I have no desire to out you, or Daniel either, for that matter.  All I want is for Daniel to treat me with respect and stop causing problems for me and his father.  So this all rides on him.  As long as he continues to be nice to me, I'll keep my mouth shut."


"Thank you,"  Cory says.  


"And even if Daniel forces me to reveal his little secret to Mitch...... I'll do my best to keep your name out of it."


"Mrs. Cooper, THANK YOU.  My Dad's gonna be disappointed enough in me without adding this on top of everything else."


"What do you mean?"  Lucy asks.


"Nothing.  Look, I'd better get back to the party or my parents are gonna wonder where I went.  Thank you again."


"Cory, take some advice from someone who's had a lot of experience with secrets.......they always end up coming out in the end, and they usually blow up in your face.  So it'd be a whole lot better if your parents learned the truth from you and not some other way."


Cory looks at Lucy and nods, then he turns and walks away from her.  Lucy's heart goes out to the struggling young man.


Back in the den, Cass and his former wife Lila are chatting with Bobby, Sue Ellen, and Catlin.  "Lila, you're from New Orleans, is that right?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Yes, I am.  I was born there."


"I've been to New Orleans many times,"  says Bobby.  "Ewing Oil use to have some business interests there years ago.  I  use to fly down there with my Daddy when I was a kid, and went there a couple times with my brother, J.R."


"Bobby, weren't you and J.R. flying back from New Orleans that time your plane went down?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Yes, we were."


"Wow, that must've been scary,"  Lila says.


"Oh, it was, but thankfully,we made it out."  


Across the room, Margaret is looking at and admiring all the beautiful ornaments on the tree when her half-brother Heath walks into the room and goes over to her.  "Pretty tree, huh?"  Heath asks.


"Yes it is.  Very,"  Margaret says.  


"Sis, you haven't even wished me a Merry Christmas,"  Heath says.


Margaret turns to him and manages a very fake smile.  "Merry Christmas, Heath,"  she says, her tone dripping with insincerity.  


"Still can't stand the sight of me, can ya, sis?  Just tell me, what is it that you and that uppity Mama of yours have against me, anyway?"


"The simple truth is, Heath, I don't trust you.  You're cocky and arrogant, and everything about your demeanor screams con man.  I'm also afraid that you're gonna end up hurting Daddy."


"Now just how do you think I'm  gonna do that?  I been down in Galveston overseein' Ray's development project for a good while, and he thinks I been doin' a great job.  And I have."


"Well, good.  I hope I'm wrong about you, Heath.  I really do,"  Margaret says.  "For good or bad, you ARE Daddy's son, and my half-brother.  But I am gonna be keeping my eyes open, and if you hurt our father in any way........I'll make you regret it."


Heath smiles.  "Fair enough."


"Well, hey, you, two,"  Ray says, walking up to them.  "Now that's what I like to see.  My son and  my daughter gettin' along and havin' what looks like a civil conversation for a change."


"Well, we ARE tryin',"  Heath says.  "Right, sis?"


"Right,"  says Margaret.  


"Hey, you two get together,"  says Ray.  "I been dyin' to try out the camera on this new Iphone Donna got me for Christmas, and I can't think of a better first picture than my two kids together.  Pose for me."  

Heath puts his arm around Margaret and smiles, while Margaret manages a very reluctant smile as Ray aims his new phone and snaps the photo.  


"There, got it,"  Ray says.  "I'll probably print this one out and have it framed."


Meanwhile, Debra Lynn is standing alone in the dining room looking at the two beautifully set tables that have been prepared for the Ewing's feats.  Spotting her in the dinin room, Dylan walks in.  "Debra Lynn,"  he says.


"Oh, Dylan.  I didn't hear you come in."


"Debra Lynn, what's going on with you?"


"I was just looking at how beautiful the tables are.  Ann has really outdone herself this year."


"I don't mean that,"  Dylan says.  "I mean the drugs."


Debra Lynn looks at him.  "What?  I don't know what you're talking about."


"I saw you.  I saw you with the syringe, and I saw your shooting up.  Look, if you've got a problem, I can help you.  You know I'm a recovering alcoholic, and......"


"Dylan I don't have a problem.  I'm not a drug addict, if that's what you're thinking."


"I saw you."


"Yes, you saw me, but it's not what you think,"  Debra Lynn says.


"Then what is it"  Dylan asks.  "Was it diabetic medicine? Insulin?"


"No, Dylan, I'm not a diabetic.  Look, I'm sorry you had to see that but, I can't tell you.''


"Debra Lynn, whatever is going on, I can help you.  Just tell me."


"Dylan, I can't.  Now just DROP IT."


"I can't drop it.  Not if this is something that's gonna end up hurting Ashley."


Debra Lynn looks at him for a moment, then walks to the door way to make sure no one is around.  She grabs him by the arm and pulls him to the far end of the dining room.  "Dylan, you can't say anything to Ashley or Jimmy, or anyone else about this.  Promise me."


"I can't promise that.  I can't keep a secret from Ashley."


"You can if you don't wanna see my daughter hurt.  Dylan, I can tell that you love my daughter very much."


"I do.  Look, just tell me what that was you injected into your arm.  If it wasn't insulin or some street drug, then what was it?"


"It was pain medication,"  Debra Lynn says. 


"Pain medication?  For what?"


Debra Lynn looks at him and fights back tears.  "Dylan, I have cancer.  What you saw me taking was morphine."


"Cancer? Oh my God.  Are you taking treatments?"


"No.  There is no treatment.  It's pancreatic cancer, and it's terminal. I only have a short time to live.  Dylan, you can't tell Ashley or Jimmy about this."


"They deserve to know.  They're gonna HAVE to know."


"Yes they will, eventually,"  Debra Lynn says.  "But not until after the first of the year, if I have anything to say about it.  Dylan, both my kids love the holidays so much.  I want them to enjoy the holiday season.  And then, after the first of the new year, I'll tell them.  Dylan, please.  Promise me you won't say anything.  Let Ashley enjoy the holidays without this hanging over her head."


Dylan wipes a tear from his face.  "Okay,"  he says, his voice shaky.  "I won't say anything."


"Thank you,"  Debra Lynn says.  She gives him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.  "Thank you."


Meanwhile, as everyone is still mingling and talking in the den, Justin and Pamela are standing with Bobby, Christopher, and Courtney.  "Justin, I sure am sorry Cally wasn't able to come after all,"  Bobby says.


"Yeah, so was she,"  Justin says.  "But, since my cousin Corey came down with the flu, she couldn't travel with him, so she said she'll pay a visit later on."


Ann walks into the room at that moment.  "Everyone," she says.  "EVERYONE, CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!"  Slowly the noisy crowd begins to quiet down.  "Thank you,"  Ann says.  "Dinner is ready."


"Oh, great, I'm starving,"  Gary says.


"Justin, we'd better go,"  Pamela says to her husband.


"Yeah, we had."


"You guys aren't staying for dinner?"  Christopher asks.


"No, we're due at my Mom's soon."


"Yeah, we promised Afton we'd have Christmas Eve dinner with her,"  Justin says.


"Well, we're glad you came over,"  Bobby says.


"Thanks, Uncle Bobby.  Merry Christmas."


"Merry Christmas to you both,"  Bobby says.  


"Bye,"  Pamela says, hugging Bobby.


"Tell Afton we said Merry Christmas,"  Bobby says.


"We will,"  Justin says as they leave, and Bobby joins the others in the dining room.


It takes a while for everyone to take their seats around the two very crowded tables set up in the dining room.  Once everyone is seated, Ann, Heather, and Krystina  bring in the turkey and ham from the kitchen.  Everyone comments on how delicious the turkey looks.  After placing the food on the table, they too, take their places at the table with their loved ones.


At the head of the table, Bobby stands and looks out over his large family seated around him.  "Everyone,"  he says.  "I wanna thank you all for being here to celebrate another Christmas at Southfork.  As I look around, I couldn't be happier to see so many members of this family assembled here.  With the exception of Justin and Pamela, who just left, we're ALL here, and joined by some friends, both new and old.  Speaking of which, I'd like to welcome the Winthrop family here, and I hope that this is the first of many good times we'll share together over the coming years.  It's wonderful to see every branch of the Ewing family represented here.....all three of the surviving Ewing sons, as well as all of Mama and Daddy's grandchildren and their great-grandchildren, all under one roof.  Uncle Jason's grandsons, Conner and Dylan are here with us, also, and Catlin and his sons represent another branch of this family.  And family is one of the things that Christmas is all about. And even though we Ewings may fight among ourselves, in the end, we ARE  a family, and a strong one at that, as we've proven this year.  2019 has been a difficult year in many ways.  We've all weathered many storms, many trials, and many heartaches over the past year, but God's help, and the support of each other, we've come through it stronger than ever. It's hard to believe that this is the last Christmas of this decade.  These last ten years have not been easy.  We lost J.R. during this decade, and, we also lost someone else who has, for better or worse, mostly worse, been a part of the lives of many of us for as long as we can remember, and that would be Cliff Barnes.  This family came back together during this decade, and we've witnessed births, and marriages, including one just today of Mitch and Lucy.  Today, not only do we celebrate family, and  the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but we also celebrate the birthday of my precious little great-niece. Eve, who was born 4 years ago tonight.  Now, everyone considers me the patriarch of this family, but, in all honesty, that title should go to my brother Gary, who is actually the oldest member of this family here tonight."


"Gee, thanks, Bobby,"  Gary says, to everyone's laughter.  


"Gary, as the senior member of the family present, I'd like for you to ask the blessing over the food.  Gary."



As Bobby retakes his seat, Gary stands.  ''Thank you, Bobby.  Let's bow our heads.  Lord, we thank you for all the many blessings you've given to us daily.  We pray for joy in our hearts, hope in our God, love to forgive, and peace upon the earth.  We pray for the forgiveness of our sins and abundant life in Christ. Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your love and power.  Bless each person here tonight, and bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.  Amen."


"Amen,"  the rest of the group echoes.  Gary sits down and Bobby begins to carve the turkey.  


Dylan, still reeling from the news Debra Lynn had given him earlier, looks over at Ashley, and sees how happy she looks.  He then looks at Debra Lynn and struggles to hold back his tears.  Meanwhile, Daniel Cooper and Cory Winthrop exchange looks, both longing to be able to acknowledge the relationship they have, but both knowing they can't dare.  Cass looks at his son, and smiles with pride.  He also looks over at Lila, and, despite their divorce and some ugly times in the past, he is happy she's here to share Christmas with he and their son.  Jay Smithfield looks down at the end of the table at Jill and Craig, and a look of sadness comes over his face as he sees Jill with her new  family.......the family Jay wishes they could have had together.  Many different feelings and emotions are present at the Ewing dinner table this Christmas Eve......happiness, joy, sadness, envy.  But above all, there is a lot of love present.


Write a comment

Comments: 21
  • #1

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 31 December 2019 23:46)

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Shawn Smith really is an arrogant little shit and his arrogance is going to be his downfall. He continues to act like he's one of the big dogs in the oil industry when all he really is is a rank amateur. If ever there was a time for the Ewings to join together and defeat that little turd, it's now. Shawn, you are in for the ass kicking of a lifetime. Come Christmas 2020, you are going to end up in one of three places. Prison or dead or both. There is no way in hell you are EVER going to take down the Ewings and that goes for your little pissant partner Ricky Hernandez or whatever the hell his name is.

  • #2

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 31 December 2019 23:50)

    If any of you think Clay is going to be a player, dream on! Clay has proven time and time again that he too is nothing but a rank amateur. Shawn and Clay may be long on Chutzpah, but they're short on brains. Those Westar shares may end up going somewhere, but NOT to either one of those two.

  • #3

    Parker Bena (Tuesday, 31 December 2019 23:59)

    Well done on those closing credits.

  • #4

    Kathy (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 00:31)

    A truly awesome episode. So happy everyone was able to come together for this Hopefully the year ahead will find Shawn defeated.

  • #5

    Parker Bena (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 02:06)

    I think Ricky may end up dead too and by the hand of the same person that killed his father.....Christopher!

  • #6

    Chris Hawkins (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 10:52)


    What a Wonderful job you have done in writing this episode, can’t wait to find out what happens!


  • #7

    Verena (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 12:36)

    John, this was a wonderful Christmas episode. Yeah, this little snake Shawn keeps making enemies. I wouldn't underestimate Pamela, I'm sure that she can be vicious when blackmailed. Still surprising that she and John Ross share an enemy. Great to see Marilee is back, the confrontation with Sue Ellen was classic. LOL

  • #8

    Ada Vincent (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 14:39)

    Great as usual al

  • #9

    Rose Meisenhelder (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 19:10)

    Shawn, telling Justin is more likely to result in you getting your ass kicked than breaking up Justin & Pamela's marriage!

  • #10

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 20:20)

    I agree Rose. Pamela telling Justin everything hurts you Shawn Smith, not their marriage. And believe it or not, her deciding to keep this little affair between her and you a secret is what is keeping you alive. She tells everything, that’s bad news for you, not her. He’s going to want to want to kick her ass and everything.

  • #11

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 20:37)

    Yeah I’m glad that a Marliee Stone is back too. I’ve missed her and everything. Yeah LOL that shot she took at Marliee Stone was hilarious and everything. Just like Sue Ellen! She and Marliee Stone have hated each other for years. Just another one of JRs many mistresses. I agree, if I were Shawn, I wouldn’t underestimate Pamela. I think Pamela pulls a fast one. I bet that Pamela ends up telling Justin that he should give those shares to Jimmy or Afton. Why? Because for one thing, Shawn has never met Afton or Jimmy. Maybe they could exchange those shares for money.

  • #12

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 20:52)

    And oh yes. It is definitely very surprising and strange that Pamela and John Ross have a common enemy. I didn’t think that would ever happen, but Shawn Smith is just attracting too many enemies. And he’s going to end up dead just like his brother because he’s cocky, arrogrant, and too sure of himself. The same way Tripp McKay did, and we all know that ended. He’s making too many enemies.

  • #13

    Brian (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 21:13)

    Awesome as usual loved it thank you

  • #14

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 01 January 2020 21:38)

    Clay Beaumomt doesn’t want any part of them shares Parker Bena. Shawn basically fired him when he didn’t come through and everything. But maybe that’s not a bad thing. He’s a grown man. Maybe being in California will be better for him because now he can fight his cousin Bobby Ewing II for Megs affections. But Bobby Ewing II has his eyes on her too and she better end up with Bobby. She doesn’t know Clay.

  • #15

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 02 January 2020 08:39)

    I wish Karen, Mack, and Meg had been able to come down and everything. It could have given Bobby II and Meg time to get reacquainted. And Bobby II could have introduced Meg to Christopher. But maybe they are spending Christmas Eve in Los Angeles alone.

  • #16

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 02 January 2020 08:45)

    I do love that the Ewing and Avery family came though. That was really something! Christmas Eve is the really best thing at the end of the day. I do love the part when Bobby said Gary was the oldest, and that’s why he’s the patriarch of the family! I thought that was hilarious. Gary was like Gee, thanks, and everything. But the Ewings parents and grandparents would be proud once again for coming together and celebrating Christmas Eve together.

  • #17

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 02 January 2020 08:50)

    Lucy’s wedding was wonderful! Gary walking her down the aisle, Afton and Lucy finally putting their differences as they realize that they both love the same man, Dr. Mitch Cooper. Her mother Valene, Sue Ellen, and Afton all giving Lucy such personal gifts from from her grandparents, which are their mothers and everything. Beautiful ceremony, vows, Little John has the ring bearer, and finally a kiss to become husband and wife. I think the third time is the charm because they are both older and wiser third time around.

  • #18

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 02 January 2020 09:34)

    Daniel better watch and start treating Lucy with respect, or else she will rat him out. But then again, Cory and Daniel need to tell both their fathers everything. About the feelings they have for each other. How Cory got kicked out of college and lost his scholarship.

  • #19

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 02 January 2020 09:40)

    I would love to see Krystina come back to work at Ewing Oil. She needs to be more than a housewife and everything. She needs to have a career. Plus I think even though she hasn’t said it, she wants to be back to work. Having her back would be excellent and she can feel good about herself.

  • #20

    Derek Mathews (Thursday, 02 January 2020 10:52)

    It’s crazy how the cycle keeps repeating itself. Bobby and JR with all their fights. John Ross and Christopher with all their fights as boys, later on as adults; now Jacob and Micheal doing the same thing, and I guess I could say Alex and Shawn too. The cycle keeps repeating with all these young people getting in fights and everything.

  • #21

    Rose Meisenhelder (Sunday, 05 January 2020 19:05)

    I remember a scene where Bobby walked in on Christopher throwing darts at a picture of John Ross. "I see you found my old dart board. It used to have your uncle J.R.s picture on it."