Previously on DALLAS....
-----------Two months after Emma's trial and conviction, Ann and Lucas came to an uneasy peace.
-----------Heather was still suffering from a severe depression in the months following her miscarriage.
-----------Ashley told Dylan that her mother, Debra Lynn, was coming to visit, and Dylan worried that Debra Lynn would not approve of him dating her daughter.
-----------Alex overheard Christopher and Courtney discussing the fact that Shawn is really Courtney's half-brother, and passed the information on to John Ross.
-----------As he schemed to secure his power within The Cartel, John Ross began an affair with a new Cartel member, Samantha Chambers, in order to gain her loyalty.
-----------A new teenage ranch hand, Ricky Hernandez, was hired on at Southfork, but he had come with a secret agenda against the Ewings.
-----------Lucy helped Heather come to terms with her miscarriage.
-----------John Ross and Justin clashed after Justin refused to sell John Ross the shares of Westar he had gotten from Jill in Knots Landing. Then Pamela and John Ross clashed over John Ross's treatment of his brother.
------------Krystina received the sad news that her Aunt Dominique had died, and she headed to Denver.
------------Arriving in dallas earlier than her kids expected, Debra Lynn checked into a hospital, where she was told that she is dying of pancreatic cancer!
Justin's ranch house....early morning....
All is quiet just before dawn at Justin's ranch house near Braddock. Ashley is sleeping soundly in her bedroom, and Debra Lynn and little Evie are asleep in the guest bedroom. However, down the hall, Jimmy's sleep is much
less peaceful, his sleep haunted by terrible dreams of the horror he had suffered at the hands of Katelyn Spencer 2 years earlier....
Jimmy looks at her, fear in his eyes. "Katie, what the hell are you doing?"
"I'm bringing you your breakfast," replies Katelyn. "I made you pancakes. I know how much you love them."
"Where am I? Why are you doing this to me?" Jimmy asks.
"I can't answer that first question, because, it's best you don't know where you are. As for the second didn't give me any choice, Jimmy. I didn't wanna hurt you, but I had to stop you."
"You're never gonna get away with this," says Jimmy. "Look, just let me go. Let me go and I won't say anything about what's happened."
"Jimmy, you know I can't do that," Katelyn says.
"How long are you gonna keep me here?"
"I really don't know. I guess as long as necessary. You should consider yourself lucky. Jimmy, I saved your life."
"You what?" Jimmy asks.
"I saved your life. Brian wanted to kill you, but I wouldn't let him. I wouldn't let him because I love you, Jimmy. Despite all the horrible things you said to me, I still love you."
"You still love me, so you're helping this Brian guy hold me captive?" Jimmy asks.
"Jimmy, I didn't want it this way. But you gave me no choice. You would have gone to the police and turned Brian in, and I couldn't let that happen."
"Sounds to me like it's HIM you love, and not me."
"Of course I love Brian," Katelyn says. "He's my brother."
"Your.......your BROTHER?" Asks a stunned Jimmy.
"That's right. He's my brother."
"Your brother killed those people in California? Including the brother of my Uncle Bobby's wife?"
"Ironic, isn't it?"
"I don't believe what I'm hearing. All this time, and your brother is the one responsible for that explosion? And you were helping him? Or hiding him? God, I never knew you at all, did I?"
"No," Jimmy calls out softly in his sleep. "No, leave me alone.....stop....." The images of his past ordeal continue to torment his sleep.....
Still tied and held captive in the basement of the Wentworth mansion, Jimmy is startled when he hears the basement door open and close. A couple of seconds later, Katelyn descends the stairs into the basement. "Well, good evening, Jimmy," she says. "I'm sorry your dinner is late tonight, but I'm afraid it's gonna have to wait a little longer."
"Katie, how much longer is this gonna go on?" Jimmy asks. "How long can you keep me here?"
"As long as I need to," Katelyn replies, walking over to him. "Jimmy, I'm REALLY sorry to have to do this, but, I'm gonna need you to go to sleep for a while."
"Asleep? What are you talking about?" Jimmy asks.
Katelyn pulls a bottle of clear liquid from her purse, and a handkerchief. She opens the bottle, places the handkerchief over the top, and pours some of the liquid into it.
"Katie, what the hell are you doing?"
"Just relax," she says. "You'll be asleep in a second." As Jimmy attempts to struggle, Katelyn grabs him by the hair with one hand, while placing the saturated handkerchief over Jimmy's mouth and nose with the other hand. Jimmy's struggles and squirms in his chair for a few seconds, then, as the chloroform begins to take effect, he quickly passes into unconsciousness.
Jimmy slowly begins to wake up and opens his eyes later. Groggy, it seems to him that he has been asleep for days. As he awakens, he realizes that he is no longer tied to a chair. He is laying in a comfortable bed. His hands and feet are free. Was he dreaming? Is it possible that he is at home in his own bed? He wonders to himself. But as he looks around, he sees that he is laying in a bed in the middle of the same basement he had been in before, only the bed he is on is in a cage. Jimmy sits up, feeling dizzy from the effects of the chloroform. After a moment of composing himself, Jimmy stands to his feet, then staggers to the edge of the cage, where he grabs onto the bars. "KATIE!!!" He yells. "KATIE!!!"
After a moment, Katelyn comes down the stairs. "Oh, you're awake," she says with a smile. "I was beginning to worry. You've been out for a couple of hours now."
"Katie, what the hell is this?"
"It's a cage, Jimmy. That should be obvious."
"Why am I IN this thing? Katie, what's going on?"
"No.......please, NO!" Jimmy again calls out in his sleep as his nightmare continues....
Katelyn walks over to Jimmy and takes a seat on the bed beside him. "We're gonna make love, Jimmy. And, the time is JUST right for us to make a baby. So hopefully, that's what'll happen here tonight. Our love will result in a new birth."
"Oh my God, you really ARE insane. There's no way in HELL that I would ever have sex with you!"
"Oh, Jimmy," Katelyn says with a smile. "You don't have a choice. You're all tied up, remember?"
"I won't. I WON'T!"
"Yes, Jimmy. You WILL. And to make absolute sure that your body cooperates.......I've taken steps to insure that you will be able to perform tonight." Katelyn places her hand on Jimmy's leg, near his crotch.
"What are you talking about?" Asks a frightened Jimmy.
"Remember that hamburger that I gave you earlier tonight? It was laced with Viagra. So you see, Jimmy, there's no way that even your body can resist making love to me."
"What? You......oh my God, you drugged me with Viagra?"
"I had to. Jimmy, I know that this isn't the ideal situation you're in right now, and sometimes, when a guy is in a less than comfortable situation, he can have.......performance issues. I needed to make sure that didn't happen. So, you ready? I know I sure am. Let's get these shorts off and get busy." Katelyn grabs Jimmy's boxers and pulls them down his legs.
"Katie, come on. You can't be serious," Jimmy says. "You can't do this."
"Shhhh......just lay back and relax. I'll do all the work, since you're kinda tied up right now." Katelyn begins to undress. As Jimmy watches, she takes off her blouse, then her bra. Then she removed her jean shorts, and finally, dressed only in her panties, she gets on top of him.
"Katie, no," Jimmy says in tear. " can't do this. "Katie, don't. PLEASE!!!"
"Noooo!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Jimmy screams out, waking up and sitting bolt upright in bed. He is breathing hard, his clothes and bed drenched in sweat. Disoriented, Jimmy looks around the room. Realizing he is safe and sound in his own bedroom, he breathes a sigh of relief. He is startled by a knock at his door, then Debra Lynn walks into the room.
"Jimmy?" Debra Lynn says. "Jimmy, are you alright?"
Ashley rushes into the room. "Jimmy, what happened? Another nightmare?"
"Uh.....yeah," Jimmy replies, still disoriented and confused.
"Nightmare?" Debra Lynn asks.
"Yes, he's been having them again," replies Ashley. "This is the third one this month."
"I'm......I'm okay," says Jimmy. "I'm okay, guys."
"Honey, are you sure?" Debra Lynn asks.
"Yes, I'm fine, Mom. Please, just......go back to bed."
"I could sit here with you, if you'd like."
"Mom, please," Jimmy says. "I'm 30-years-old, I don't need my mother sitting up with me because I had a bad dream. Now, please, guys, go back to bed."
"Alright. But if you need me, just call." Debra Lynn touches her son's face, then turns and leaves the room.
Ashley looks at her brother, worried that Jimmy is again having nightmares, then she follows her mother out of the bedroom. After his mother and sister are gone, Jimmy lays his head back on his pillow, his eyes wide open as he looks around his bedroom, afraid to go back to sleep for fear of again being haunted by visions of the hell he had gone through when he was kidnapped by Katelyn Spencer two years ago.
Southfork....the stables....morning....
Courtney drives her car out to one of the stables at Southfork and comes to a stop. Getting out of the car, she walks over to the stables, where her brother, Gavin Murray, is working, along with new ranch hand, Ricky. "Gavin," she says.
"Hey, what's up?" Gavin asks.
"Can we talk?"
"Yeah, sure. Ricky, excuse us."
"Of course, Gavin," Ricky says. "I can finish this up."
"Thanks." Gavin walks over to the stables with Courtney, as Ricky watches them curiously. "So, what's up?" Gavin asks.
"Why have you been avoiding me lately?" Asks Courtney. "You haven't even returned my phone calls."
"I've been busy."
"Gavin, come on. You're still angry with me for keeping the secret about Shawn, and for not confronting Dad about it, aren't you?"
"Courtney, Shawn Smith is our brother, and I just think that he has a right to know that," Gavin says.
"Gavin, you know how I feel about this."
"Yes, I do. But I think you're wrong. I also think that we should tell Dad that we know about his other son and that he had an affair with his best friend's wife."
"Gavin, just think about the repercussions of this," Courtney says. "Imagine what it would do to Shawn to find out that everything he's believed his whole life has been a lie. Imagine finding out that your mother cheated on your father with his best friend while he was in prison. And not only that, think about Mom. How do you think she would feel if she found out that Dad cheated on her another time besides the time she already knows about? You know how it nearly destroyed her when she found out about his affair with Susan."
"So, what do we do?" Gavin asks. "We just keep this to ourselves? We have another brother, Courtney. Are we never supposed to acknowledge that or get to know him?"
"I don't wanna see lives destroyed over this. Lives of people we care about. Now if you REALLY care about Mom, or if you give a damn about Shawn, you'll keep your mouth shut about this. Gavin, promise me. Promise me you won't confront Dad about this, or tell anyone."
Gavin remains silent.
"Gavin, promise me."
"Alright. I won't say a word. But I think you're wrong. What if the truth comes out another way?"
"It won't. You, me, Dad, and Shawn's mother are the only people who know the truth. Look, you wanna go with us to Six Flags in a little while? It's Jacob and Michael's last day of summer vacation before school starts back tomorrow, so Christopher and I are taking the boys to Six Flags and the water park today."
"Sure, I'd love to."
"Good," Courtney says. "Come up to the house around 10:30." Courtney touches her brother's shoulder, then turns and walks back to her car as Ricky watches. Courtney gets in and drives away, after which Gavin walks back over to Ricky and continues helping him.
"Hey, Gavin, wasn't that, uh, wasn't that Christopher Ewing's wife?" Ricky asks.
"Yeah, Courtney," Gavin replies. "She's my sister."
"What? Christopher Ewing's wife is your sister?"
"That's right. Come on, man, let's get back to work so we can get this finished and knock off for the day."
"Yes, of course," Ricky says softly, his curiosity about the Ewing family even further aroused upon learning that one of the ranch hands, Gavin, is the brother of Christopher Ewing's wife.
Justin's ranch house....
Jimmy comes downstairs and walks into the kitchen, where he finds Debra Lynn and Ashley setting the table for breakfast. "Morning," he says.
"Morning, honey, how do you feel?" Debra Lynn asks.
"Well, I haven't had much sleep, but I feel okay."
"That was some nightmare you had earlier this morning," says Debra Lynn.
"Third one this month," Ashley says.
"Same old thing?" Ashley asks. "About when you were kidnapped?"
"Yep. Same old nightmare every time."
"Honey, why do you suppose the nightmares have started up again?" Debra Lynn asks.
"Probably because Katherine Wentworth's trial is starting tomorrow," Jimmy says. "With all the publicity and news coverage about the trial, it's just brought back a lot of bad memories."
"Well, I hope that woman is put away for the rest of her natural life," says Debra Lynn. "And that daughter of hers, too. What about her? She should be on trial for your father's murder."
"From what I've heard, Katelyn isn't mentally fit to stand trial," Jimmy says. "She's probably spend years in a psychiatric hospital."
"I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she was faking," say Ashley.
"Neither would I," agrees Debra Lynn.
Jimmy looks at his mother and sister.
Brooketree Psychiatric Hospital....later....
Jimmy is pacing anxiously around a waiting room at Brooketree Psychiatric Hospital later that morning when a female doctor walks into the room. "Mr. Beaumont," the doctor says.
"I'm Dr. Pierce. I understand you're here to inquire about Katelyn Spencer."
"That's right, I am," Jimmy says. "Dr. Pierce, I realize that, because of the law, you can't tell me anything specific about her condition, but, maybe you could at least tell me something to put my mind at ease."
"I've read the reports, Mr. Beaumont," Dr. Pierce says. "I know what Ms. Spencer did to you, and that she killed your father, sp I can understand why you would be curious about her condition."
"I just need to know," says Jimmy. "Is she, or will she ever be able to stand trial for the crimes that she commited?"
"Mr. Beaumont, Katelyn Spencer has been in a catatonic state for the past year," Dr. Pierce says. "And so far, all of our efforts to bring her out of that state have proven fruitless."
"Will she ever come out of it?" Jimmy asks.
"I can't answer that. At this point, Ms. Spencer is completely detached from reality, and from the world around her. She hasn't spoken a word in a year. All she does is sit and stare. The mind is a very complicated thing, Mr. Beaumont. I have seen cases like this where, a person in this condition suddenly comes out of it, and I've seen cases where...... unfortunately, the victim never recovers. I'm sorry, but that's all I can tell you."
"Can I see her?"
"No, I'm afraid I can't allow that. Mr. Beaumont, take my word for it. Katelyn Spencer is a catatonic, and she's likely to remain that way for quite some time, possibly for the rest of her life. And even if she does come out of this catatonic state, she will probably always be detached from reality."
"So, what you're telling me is that Katelyn Spencer will never pay for what she's done to me and to my family?" Jimmy asks.
"Oh, Mr. Beaumont, I can assure you.........Katelyn IS paying. She's paying with the loss of her sanity. She lives in a private hell, a world of her own that is completely detached from reality."
Jimmy nods. "Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Pierce," he says.
The Carrington mansion in Denver....
John Ross stands at the window of Krystina's bedroom at the Carrington mansion in Denver. He is looking out into the beautiful garden of the Carrington estate when Krystina comes in from the adjoining bathroom. "Well, I'm almost finished packing," she says. "Hey, what are you doing?"
John Ross turns to her. "Oh, I was just lookin' out and admirin' how beautiful this place is."
"It really is beautiful. This was a magical place to grow up in."
"I'll bet it was. Y'know, I never thought any place on Earth could rival Southfork's beauty, but this place sure comes close."
Krystina smiles and walks over to him. "Well, we could always move here and live with MY family for a while."
"No, thanks. My place is firmly at Southfork," John Ross says.
"And so is mine. I love this place, but I've come to love Southfork just as much."
"Well, I guess I'd better get my stuff packed."
"Yeah," Krystina says. "Thank you for coming to be with me at my aunt's funeral. I couldn't have gotten through it without you."
John Ross kisses her. "Well, now, itn't that what a devoted husband is for?"
"Definitely," Krystina replies, kissing him again. "Oh, by the way, you never did tell me where you were the other night."
"What night?" John Ross nervously asks.
"The night before you flew out here to Denver. The night I called you several times and you didn't answer."
"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm real sorry about that, darlin'. But I got held up in a business meeting with some of the Cartel members, and then we played a game of poker."
"Oh, really?" Krystina asks. "Well, it's good to see that you're bonding with The Cartel."
"I'm sure gonna need it now, with this vote comin' up tomorrow to determine who's gonna be the Cartel's official leader."
Krystina sighs. "I don't understand why the Cartel felt the need to vote on an official leader. You've been doing a great job."
"It's all because of C.J. Ewing," John Ross says. "I can see right now that Catlin's son is gonna be a real problem for me. A problem I'm gonna have to deal with."
"And I have no doubt in my mind that you will," Krystina says. "Come on. You'd better get packed." She gives him another quick kiss, then turns and walks away. John Ross breathes a sigh of relief that Krystina had bought his story about the poker game with the Cartel.
Six Flags Over Texas....afternoon....
In the afternoon, Christopher, Courtney, Jacob, Gavin, and Michael are enjoying a day of fun at Six Flags and its adjoining water park, Hurricane Harbor. While Courtney waits below, Christopher goes down the long water slide first, followed by Gavin, then Jacob and Michael.
While Gavin, Jacob, and Michael get in line to go down the big water slide again, Christopher walks over to Courtney, who is relaxing by the large pool.
"Well, I can say that was the most fun I've had in a long time," Christopher says. "Honey, you should've gone down the big slide with me."
"No, thanks, I'm not brave enough," Courtney says. "The smaller ones were enough for me."
Christopher laughs as he takes a seat beside his wife and picks up a towel. "Honey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"
"I dunno, you seem a little depressed today," says Christopher. "Is everything alright between you and Gavin?"
Courtney sighs. "Everything's fine. Gavin just thinks I'm wrong for wanting to keep the secret about Shawn being.....being our brother. He thinks Shawn has a right to know the truth, and that we should confront Dad about it."
Christopher looks at her, but says nothing.
"You think I'm wrong, too, don't you?"
"Courtney, I know how you feel about this. You don't wanna cause anyone any pain or disrupt everyone's lives, including Shawn's, your mother's........or yours. But honey, I have to be honest with you. I agree with Gavin on this. And the reason I say that is because this's bound to come out. Secrets like this always do, and it's usually worse than if the truth had been told from the beginning. Same thing happened with John Ross and Alex, and you know how much turmoil the secret about Logan's paternity has caused for everyone involved, including Ann, Emma, Lucas, Heather, and Michael. Courtney, I'm not tryin' to tell you what to do, but, I do think Shawn has a right to know who his real father is. But, this is your decision, and whatever you decide.......I'll stand by you on it."
Courtney looks at her husband and sighs, feeling torn between wanting to protect those she loves from an ugly secret, and the knowledge that what Christopher said is true.
Brad's apartment building....the pool....
Justin walks out of the rear entrance of Brad's apartment building that afternoon and looks around. He spots Brad sitting on a lounge chair by the pool and walks over to him. "Brad," Justin says.
"Well, Justin. Glad you could make it. Bring your swim suit?"
"No, I didn't. I didn't come here to swim, I came to see what you wanted. Why'd you call me here?"
"Pamela didn't tell you about my offer?" Brad asks.
Justin smiles. "Oh, yes, your ridiculous offer to buy my shares of Westar stock."
"My offer was hardly ridiculous. It was a sincere offer."
"I'm sure it was," says Justin. "But I'm not interested."
"You haven't even heard my offer."
"I don't have to. I'm still not interested."
"Justin, sit down and let's talk," Brad says. "It's time we got to know each other better, after all."
Justin laughs. "Now why would you wanna get to know me better? You hate my guts."
"Not true. Justin, you're married to my sister. And, for the record, I do NOT hate your guts. As a matter of fact, as far as the Ewings go, you're probably my favorite out of the bunch."
"Gee, thanks," Justin says, sarcastically.
"I'm wiling to offer you not only what you paid your sister for those shares, but also a very hefty profit," Brad says.
Justin takes a seat on the lounge chair beside him. "My sister entrusted those shares to ME for a reason, and that reason was that she wanted someone to have them whom she trusted, and who wouldn't start a war between Ewing Oil and Westar."
"I'm not interested in starting a war between Ewing Oil and Westar."
"You REALLY expect me to believe that? You've been waging a war against my fam'ly for what? At least 3 years now, ever since you found out you've got Barnes blood runnin' through your veins?"
"That doesn't mean you and I can't be civil to each other," says Brad. "Or that we can't do business."
"Why do you want that stock so bad?" Justin asks. "You have a top position at Westar, right?"
"Look, Justin, I want that stock as a sort Insurance that will guarantee that I KEEP my top position at Westar, if you know what I mean."
"You think Shawn Smith might wanna boot you out?"
"He booted Clay Beaumont out after he failed to get that stock away from your sister Jill. Shawn is a very ambitious kid, and very ruthless like his grandfather, Jeremy Wendell. People are expendable to him. But while he's ambitious, ruthless, and even a little smart, he's also very young, very inexperienced, and very impulsive."
Justin nods. "I can't disagree with that. So you want that stock for yourself. For a while there I was thinkin' Shawn was usin' you as a puppet the way he used Clay, to get that stock for himself."
"No way. I just wanna make sure that my future at Westar"
"Brad, why are you tellin' me all this? I'm a Ewing. What makes you think I won't go straight to Shawn Smith and tell him everything you just told me?" Justin asks.
"Because I know you won't do that," replies Brad.
"Why are you so sure?"
"Because you're not a backstabber like your brother. Not only that, you know that if you did rat me out to Shawn, it'd cause trouble between you and Pamela, which I know you don't want to happen. Justin, what do you say? Sell me that stock?"
"And have you use it to go after my family and Ewing Oil? No way."
"What if I promise that won't happen?" Brad asks.
"Now you've GOT to be kidding," Justin says. "You expect me to take your word for it? No offense, brother-in- law, but, I'm not that stupid. I wouldn't trust you to keep your word any longer'n the ink was dry on the bill of sale. So, no." Justin stands to his feet and looks down at Brad. "My sister entrusted those shares to me, and I'm not gonna part with 'em for you, for John Ross, or anyone else."
"Y'know, Justin, as long as you hold on to those shares it's gonna mean nothing but trouble for you and my sister, you know that, right?" Brad asks. "If there is a war between Westar and Ewing Oil, you and Pamela are gonna get drawn right smack into the middle of it. I'm offering you a way out."
"Thanks, but no thanks."
"You're making a big mistake, Justin. Sell me those shares, and then you and Pamela can live happily ever after. Hold on to them, and get drawn into one hell of a mess when Ewing Oil and Westar go head to head. That could put a huge strain on your marriage. Hell, it might even destroy your marriage to my sister."
Justin looks at him angrily. "You'd love that, wouldn't you? I sell you those shares, you become a big power player at Westar and in the oil business, so you win. If I let myself and Pamela get drawn into some war between the two comp'nies and it tears us apart, you also win. Well, let me tell you somethin', BROTHER-IN-LAW. I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction, and you're not gonna win either way. So you can take your little offer and shove it." Justin turns and walks away from him.
Brad watches as Justin walks away. "Okay, have it your way," he says. "But when you get drawn into this mess, don't say I didn't warn you."
Southfork....that evening....
Bobby, Ann, Lucas, Heather, Lucy, Alex, and Bridget are having dinner in the Southfork dining room late that evening when Christopher, Courtney, Michael, and Jacob walk in, the two boys still excitedly talking about the fun day they had just had.
"Well, hello, there," Bobby says.
"Dad, everyone," says Christopher.
"Have fun, Michael?" Lucas asks his son.
"Oh yeah, Dad, today was AWESOME! Best day EVER!"
"Hmmm, best day, every, huh?" Lucy asks.
"I think I got a sunburn," Jacob complains.
"Well, I kept after you to put on some sunscreen, but you refused, so if you got a sunburn it's your own fault," Courtney tells her son.
"Wow, sounds like you all had a really fun day," Bridget says.
"We did," says Michael.
"I haven't been to Six Flags in a long time," Alex says.
"I can top that.....I've NEVER been," Bridget says.
Alex looks at his girlfriend in astonishment. "What? You've never been to Six Flags?"
"Bridget, doesn't Illinois have a Six Flags?" Ann asks.
"It does, but, my family was never big on vacations or things like that when I was growing up. Especially since my sister Michelle and I were raised by our grandmother and our Aunt Marley. Neither of them are big"
"Well, we are just gonna have to fix that," Alex says. "Next Saturday, I'm taking you to Six Flags."
"That would be great."
"Can I come, too?" Michael asks.
"Michael, you just went today," Heather says.
"So? I'd love to go again."
"Yeah, me, too!" Says Jacob.
"Sure, why not?" Alex says.
"You all must be hungry," says Ann.
"No, actually, the boys wanted to stop at McDonald's on the way back, so we already ate," Christopher says as John Ross and Krystina walk in.
"Well, evenin', everyone," John Ross says.
"Hey, John Ross, Krystina, welcome home," Bobby says.
"Krystina, how are you?" Lucy asks.
"I'm fine, just a little tired."
"How was your aunt's funeral?" Lucas asks.
"It was.......very sad. I'll miss her."
"You're just time for dinner," says Ann.
"Good, because I am starved. We had a light lunch before we left Denver," John Ross says, taking a seat at the table.
"Well, I think that I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower," says Courtney. "It's been a long, hot day."
"Aren't you gonna have dinner?" Krystina asks.
"We already ate. Christopher and I took the boys to Six Flags today, and we stopped and got something to eat on the way back."
"I guess I'd better take a shower, too," Jacob says. "First day of school tomorrow."
"Wish you hadn't reminded me," Michael says with a sigh.
"Looks like we all got a big day ahead tomorrow," John Ross says. "Christopher, Uncle Bobby, I hope y'all are plannin' on bein' at that Cartel meetin' in the mornin'. I could use your votes."
"I'm afraid I won't be able to be there, John Ross," Bobby says. "Katherine Wentworth's trial starts tomorrow morning, and I plan on bein' there for every minute of it."
John Ross looks at his uncle. "Are you kiddin' me? This vote is important, Uncle Bobby."
"And so is this trial! John Ross, I've been out of the office for months now, and I haven't attended any recent meetings of The Cartel. There's no way I'd be able to cast my vote for who should lead the Cartel when I haven't even been there to know what's going on."
"Well, that's typical," John Ross angrily says. "I guess that shouldn't surprise me one bit."
"John Ross, what do you mean by that?" Bobby asks.
"I mean that I've never been able to count on my fam'ly for anything when I really need 'em."
"You know that's not true."
"Yes, it IS true, Uncle Bobby. Your vote could determine whether or not I become head of the Cartel, or whether C.J. Ewing does. Or maybe you're just takin' his side against me."
"Oh, John Ross, knock it off," says Christopher.
"Alright, look," says Bobby. "If it's that damned important to you, I'll give Christoper my proxy to vote in my place."
John Ross and Christopher exchange looks.
Justin and Pamela's apartment....
"Goodnight, sweetheart," Pamela says as she kisses her son Hunter while tucking the toddler into bed that night. "Now you get some sleep." She smiles at the youngster, then switches off the light in the nursery, and leaves the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. She goes across the hall and into her and Justin's bedroom, where she finds Justin doing sit ups before bed. "Still haven't worked off all your frustrations, huh?" She asks.
"Nope," Justin replies, continuing his sit ups.
"Justin, I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"Sorry for the pressure that my brother tried to put on you," Pamela says.
Justin stops his sit ups and looks at his wife. "It's not your fault. Crazy thing is, he did the exact same thing that John Ross did. Even used some of the same words and the same reasoning. If I didn't know better, I'd swear those two had conspired together to get me to sell those shares of Westar."
"Well,we know that would never happen."
Justin stands to his feet. "You're right, it wouldn't. Y'know, Pamela, more and more, I'm startin' to wish that Jill had never involved me in this whole mess with those Westar shares. Between my brother and your brother.......they're gonna drive me crazy as long as I have that stock."
"Then get rid of it," Pamela says.
"What? You're sayin' you actually think I should sell those shares to either John Ross or Brad?"
"No, definitely not to either of them," Pamela says. "But why not to someone else?"
"Like who?"
"I don't know. But just get rid of them."
Justin walks over to her. "Honey, I can't. Jill trusted me with those shares. She didn't want John Ross or anyone on the inside at Westar getting their hands on them."
"But is it really worth it?" Pamela asks. "Justin, I know that you said that, no matter what happens, you'd stay neutral and that we won't get dragged into a big battle between Westar and Ewing Oil, but more and more I'm beginning to wonder if it's possible to stay out of it."
Justin takes his wife by the hand. "Pamela, no matter what happens, we can't let it affect us."
"You're right, we can't."
"I'm gonna go take a shower, and then......." Justin pauses and smiles at her.
"And then I'm comin' back, gettin' into this bed, and makin' mad, passionate love to my gorgeous wife."
"Well, then, you'd better hurry and get that shower," Pamela says in a seductive tone.
Justin smiles and kisses her. "I'll be back in a few," he says. He gives her another quick kiss, then goes into the bathroom.
After Justin is gone, a worried look comes over Pamela face as she thinks about the trouble that might lay ahead for them as a result of Jill getting Justin involved.
Southfork....the next morning....
Bobby, Ann, Christopher, Courtney, Jacob, Lucas, Heather, Michael, and Alex are having breakfast on the patio the next morning, a Monday, and, unfortunately for Michael and Jacob, the first day of the new school year for them.
"You boys better hurry up," Courtney says. "You don't wanna be late for your first day of school."
"Wouldn't bother me none," says Michael.
"Wouldn't bother me ANY," Bobby says, correcting his grandson's grammer.
"Ya know what?" Heather says. "Courtney, I've changed my mind. I actually would like to ride with you this mornin' when you take the boys to school. I'd like to meet Michael's new teachers."
Courtney looks at her and smiles. "I'd like that. Maybe we can do some shopping after."
"Heather, it sure is nice to see you feelin' better," says Ann.
"Thank you, Ann."
Lucy comes out of the house. "Mornin', everybody," she says cheerfully.
"Good morning, Lucy," says Bobby.
"Well, I'll see you all later."
"Lucy, aren't you havin' breakfast?" Ann asks.
"I'm actually meeting Mitch for breakfast in the hospital cafeteria, so I gotta run. Bye," Lucy says, then hurries to her car.
"Bye," Bobby says.
"Lucy and her ex-husband sure are spending a lot of time together," Alex says.
Christopher smiles. "Yes,they are. Wouldn't surprise me if we saw another wedding in this family soon."
"Daniel sure won't be too happy about that," says Alex. "I saw him the other day when I went to buy my books for fall semester."
"Well, Daniel is an adult now, and if his Dad and Lucy are together, then he's just gonna have to get use to it," Lucas says.
"Dad, as soon as this meeting with the Cartel is over at Ewing Oil, I'll come on down to the courthouse this morning,": says Christopher.
"Alright, that'll be fine, son. I'd love to be at that meeting myself, but I don't wanna miss the opening of Katherine's trial."
Ann sighs. "As much as I look forward to that woman bein' put away for life, I really dread this trial and havin' to testify and relive the nightmare of what she did to me."
Bobby reaches over and takes his wife's hand. "Honey, it'll be fine. I'll be right there with you."
"I know my Mom feels the same way," Lucas says as Krystina comes out of the house.
"Morning," she says, taking her usual seat at the table.
"Jacob, Michael, come on, we'd better go so you won't be late," Courtney says.
The two boys sigh, then get up from the table, picking up their book bags from the patio.
"Courtney, just give me a second to grab my purse, and I'll be right out," Heather says as she gets up from the table.
"Okay, the boys and I'll wait for you in the car," Courtney says.
"You guys have a good day," Christopher tells the boys.
"And stay out of trouble," Lucas adds.
"We will," Michael says.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna be in middle school this year," Jacob says, his voice cracking as it's beginning to change.
Christopher smiles. "Well, it's not so hard to believe, since your voice is starting to change. Pretty soon you're voice is gonna be deeper than mine."
Michael sighs. "Can we just go, please?" He asks.
"Come on, guys," Courtney says. She kisses Christopher, then she and the boys head to Courtney's car.
"You boys have good first day at middle school," Ann says to them as they walk away.
"Krystina, where's John Ross?" Bobby asks. "Don't tell me he's still sulking about last night."
"No, he left over an hour ago."
"He left?" Christopher asks, looking at her with a puzzled expression. "At 6:30 in the morning?"
"Yeah, he said he had an early meeting with a member of the Cartel. A little last minute campaigning, I guess."
Meanwhile....Samantha Chambers's apartment....
John Ross and Samantha lay in her bed that morning after making love, a huge smile of contentment on Samantha's face. "John Ross, that was incredible," she says. "Even better than the first time."
"Well, I told you, I do NOT disappoint," John Ross says.
"And you sure didn't lie."
"Now, you just make sure you don't disappoint me."
"John Ross, I already told've got my vote with the Cartel," Samantha says.
"Good. You come through for me with the Cartel, and I will continue to keep you happy......for a while, anyway."
"What do you mean, for a while?" Samantha asks, sitting up in bed and looking at him.
"Well, darlin', I don't intend to go on cheatin' on my wife with you forever," John Ross says. "It's like I told you a few nights ago when we first went to bed together, this is a TEMPORARY arrangement."
"You don't expect me to just let you toss me side like a piece of garbage when you don't need me anymore, do you?" Samantha asks.
"You don't have a choice in the matter. When I say this is's over."
"Like hell, it is. I could just go to your wife and tell her about us."
"But you're not gonna do that," John Ross says.
"Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop me?"
John Ross looks at her for a second. "Well, I think your love for your brother will be enough to stop you."
"What the hell do you mean by that?" Samantha asks.
John Ross sits up in bed. "Your older brother, Ben, you're real close to him, aren't you? Not only is he your big brother, he's also your best friend, am I right?"
"So, your big brother, slash best friend has a weakness. A real destructive weakness for young girls, many of them under age. Let's see now, there was that incident a few years ago with that little intern, Jessica somethin' or other. Your Daddy paid off her parents. Then there was that cheerleader, Brandy Holmes. Again, Daddy Chambers paid the girl and her folks off to keep his son out of prison. And this most recent incident with the girl who accused him of sexual harassment this past know, the reason he had to step down as president of Chambers Oil. And then there's sweet little Tiffany."
"Tiffany?" Samantha asks.
"Yes. You haven't heard about Tiffany because.....well, that incident hasn't happened yet. But if you even think about goin' to my wife about our little arrangement, the Tiffany incident will come out and it'll destroy poor Ben. And of course, given his reputation, everyone would believe it, especially if those other girls were paid enough to come forward."
"You son of a bitch."
"Samantha, don't worry," John Ross says, getting out of bed. He picks up his boxers from the floor and slips them on. "Your brother's freedom is long as you do as you're told and don't step out of line. Now, I really should be gettin' a quick shower so I can get to the office. I got some work to do before our meeting at 10:00, so, I'll see you there. It's good to know I can count on your vote, darlin', both today the future." John Ross looks at her. "Darlin', you're smart, but there's one thing you need to learn real quick. Now this whole arrangement was your idea. But what you need to learn is, when you get in bed with a snake, you're gonna get bit every time." He smiles, then walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
"Damn you, John Ross," Samantha angrily says. "You'll be real sorry for this."
Sue Ellen and Catlin's home....
Sue Ellen is standing at the window of her and Catlin's bedroom looking out when Catlin walks in from their bathroom, getting ready for work. "I'll tell ya one thing," he says. "I'll sure be glad when today is over, or rather this Cartel meeting this morning to vote on a new leader of the Cartel."
Sue Ellen sighs. "So will I. That's what I've had on my mind all night. I just don't know what to do."
"What do you mean?"
Sue Ellen turns to her husband. "This contest between John Ross and C.J. I don't like it, Catlin. I don't like it one bit."
"Well, neither do I, but they're both grown men, Sue Ellen, so what can we do about it?"
"I don't know. I was thinking about abstaining from voting this morning," Sue Ellen says, walking over to the bed and taking a seat.
"Abstaining? But Sue Ellen? Why?" Catlin asks as he takes a seat beside her.
"Because I don't want this to cause problems between the two of us."
"Why would this contest between our sons cause problems between us? Sue Ellen, it's pretty obvious that you're gonna vote for your son, and I'm gonna vote for mine. But because we're on opposites sides in this doesn't mean it has to cause any trouble."
"You still don't know John Ross as well as I do. And if he loses this vote to C.J., he'll lash out. I know he will."
"All the more reason for you NOT to abstain. If you cast your vote for him, then he has nothing to be angry with you for."
"Catlin, you don't understand," Sue Ellen says. "John Ross is my son and I love him with all my heart, but, to be quite frank, I don't want him to become the Cartel's official leader. Lately, John Ross has been doing so much better. He's conducted business without all the scheming and backstabbing and manipulation that he's engaged in in the past. I'm just afraid that, if John Ross become's the Cartel's leader officially, all that power will turn him back to the man he once was.......the John Ross I didn't like very much and couldn't trust. I feel like I'm in an impossible situation."
"Well, I can't tell you what to do, Sue Ellen. All I can tell you your conscience. And your heart."
Sue Ellen sighs deeply. "Only problem with that is, my conscience and my heart are telling me two different things," she says sadly.
Frank Crowley Courthouse in Dallas....later....
Shortly before 9 A.M. that morning, crowds gather outside of the Frank Crowley Criminal Courts Building in downtown Dallas, police doing their best to keep the crowd of reporters and curious onlookers from harassing those entering the courthouse for the start of the trial of the century in Dallas.....the trial of Katherine Wentworth. As Bobby and Ann enter the courthouse, followed by Jenna and Lucas, Lori Brown, a reporter for Fox's Channel 4 News in Dallas begins her coverage of the trial:
"Good morning, here behind me at the Frank Crowley Courthouse here in downtown Dallas, the long awaited murder trial of prominent former Dallas citizen Katherine Wentworth is about to begin in just a few moments. Police have already began turning away people from the courtroom, which is said to be filled to capacity with the curious public, as well as those who have a stake in this very high profile criminal case. Katherine Wentworth, the former owner of Wentworth Industries, was arrested last year after having been on the run for much of the previous year before her capture. Ms. Wentworth was arrested on charges of assault and battery and attempted murder of another prominent Dallas citizen, Mrs. Ann Ewing, the wife of Bobby Ewing, president of Ewing Oil. In another twist to this already very complicated case, Ms. Wentworth has already been charged with and will face trial here for the 1985 murders of Italian businessman Renaldo Marchetta, and Mrs. Veronica Robinson. Fox 4
News has reached out to the Dallas County District Attorney's office for any information on this case, but no one would talk to us. We did learn, however, that Ms. Wentworth's trial had been postponed from this past spring due to the death of Ms. Wentworth's son, wanted killer Brian Manning, who himself had been wanted in connection with the murders of at least 6 people, as well as a host of other crimes, including kidnapping. Katherine Wentworth was born in Houston in 1960, the daughter of Wentworth Industries founder and CEO Herbert Wentworth and his wife, Rebecca Blake Barnes Wentworth. According to various sources, she had attended journalism school and had worked briefly as a television journalist in New York City before making her home in Dallas in the early 1980s to be near her mother and her half-siblings, the late Pamela Barnes Ewing and Cliff Barnes. In 1984, she was arrested and charged with the attempted murder of her former brother-in-law, Bobby James Ewing, to whom she is said to have developed a sort of fatal attraction for. Katherine Wentworth never stood trial for that crime in the 1980s because, shortly after her arrest and release, she skipped bail and went into hiding for the next 30 years, only resurfacing in Dallas in 2015 after receiving a pardon for her crimes by then-Governor Sam McConaughey. If found guilty for the murders of Renaldo Marchetta and Veronica Robinson, and the attempted murder of Ann Ewing, Ms. Wentworth could face the death penalty....."
Meanwhile....inside the courthouse....
Thick crowds gather in the hallway outside the courtroom where the trial of Katherine Wentworth is about to begin. Bobby and Ann make their way through the crowd and into the courtroom, followed by Jenna and Lucas. Meanwhile, Justin, Pamela, and Afton step off the elevator down the hall, and push their way through the crowd and into the courtroom, where they take their seats near the back. Katherine's attorney, Cass Winthrop enters the courtroom and proceeds to his place at the defense table, smiling and nodding at Bobby and Ann as he passes by them. Soon, the courtroom is filled with spectators, as the jury files in and takes their place in the jury box. A moment later, attired in an elegant green dress, Katherine is brought into the courtroom, looking more as if she is on her way to a business lunch rather than standing trial for murder and attempted murder. Handcuffed and escorted by two armed female deputies Katherine is taken to the defense table, where she takes her seat beside Cass, who begins whispering something to her. Katherine looks over her shoulder and across the courtroom, where she spots Bobby and Ann, and gives them an angry look.....the kind of look that would send chills through one's soul.
At exactly 9:03 sharp, a bailiff steps to the front of the courtroom. "All rise," he says, and everyone in the courtroom stands to their feet. "Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Tracy Williams presiding."
Judge Williams, an attractive woman in her mid-40s, enters the courtroom and takes her seat at the bench. "Please be seated," she says. "This is case number 05-0927, the State Of Texas versus Katherine Wentworth. The charges are two counts of second degree murder, and one count of attempted murder, and one count of assault and
battery. Ms. Copeland, you are representing the State in this case?"
"Yes, Your Honor, I am," replies assistant D.A. Gail Copeland.
"And is the defendant represented by counsel?"
"Yes, Your Honor," Cass replies as he stands. "Cass Winthrop, attorney for the defendant."
"Thank you," Judge Williams says. "The defendant is present, and all counsel is present, so we are ready to proceed with this case. Ms. Copeland, is the State ready to proceed?"
"We are, Your Honor," Gail replies.
"Fine, then you may begin with your opening statement."
"Thank you, Your Honor," Gail Copeland says as she stands from her seat and approaches the jury box. "Good morning," she says, addressing the 12 jurors. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, in the annals of crime, the taking of a human life is an especially heinous act. And before I begin, I would like to remind you that second degree murder is a crime punishable in the state of texas by life in prison, no matter how long ago the murder was committed. In this particular case, we have two murders......two murders that took place decades ago, almost 35 years ago, to be exact. On the night of Friday, December 28, 1984, in a hotel room in Laredo, Texas, a man was found dead by police, of a single gunshot wound to the chest. That man was Italian businessman Renaldo Marchetta. Lying just a few feet away from the body of Mr. Marchetta was his wife, Jenna Wade Marchetta, holding in her hand the gun that had killed her husband. Seems like a pretty cut and dry case, doesn't it? One would think that the wife was the killer, given the fact that this couple had been seen and heard arguing violently in the hours leading up to the murder. The case seemed so cut and dry, in fact, that Mrs. Marchetta was arrested for her husband's murder. A few months later, she was tried and convicted of the murder of Mr. Marchetta. She was sent to prison, but this was not the end of this story. Soon after Jenna Wade Marchetta was convicted of her husband's murder, new evidence came to light that she was NOT the person who had killed Renaldo Marchetta. This new evidence came to light during the investigation into the mysterious death of Veronica Robinson, Renaldo Marchetta's lover and partner in crime, who was flying from California to Dallas to testify in the trial of Jenna Wade Marchetta. Mrs. Robinson tragically died on board the flight bringing her to Dallas, of poisoning. This murder had been caught on the plane's surveillance video. The video showed a man who had been sitting beside Mrs. Robinson on the plane slip a drug into her drink while Mrs. Robinson had apparently gone to the bathroom for a few minutes. That man, Mrs. Robinson's murderer, was a Andre Shumann, a professional hit man who had been hired to kill Mrs. Robinson in order to keep her from testifying at Jenna Marchetta's trial. Once he was arrested and faced with the prospect of spending the rest of his life in prison, Shumann confessed to the murder of Renaldo Marchetta, as well, freeing Jenna Wade Marchetta from prison. At the time, Andre Shumann claimed that he had picked up his blood money from a locker, I believe, in Vienna, and the he did not know who had hired him to kill these two people, Renaldo Marchetta and Veronica Robinson. However, several years ago, when he was in prison and near death, a repentant Andre Shumann wrote a letter to his wife, Loretta, in which he confessed that he had lied back in 1985. In his own hand, Andre Shumann wrote that he had known all along the identity of the person who had hired him to carry out these two murders, and that person was the defendant in this Katherine Wentworth."
Ewing Oil....
Sly buzzes John Ross's office at Ewing Oil. "John Ross, the members of the Cartel are here."
John Ross smiles. "Thank ya, Sly. Let my mother and Christopher know, and have everyone meet me in the conference room." Grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair, John Ross slips it on, hesitates a moment, then goes through the door that connects his office and the conference room, where he finds Christopher and Catlin with other Cartel members Brandon Harwood, Jason and Jordan Lee, Peter Ellis, and Samantha Chambers, who gives him an angry look. "Well, good morning, everyone," John Ross says cheerfully just as Sue Ellen walks into the conference room.
"Hello, everyone," she says.
"Hello, Mrs. Ewing," Jason Lee says.
"Sue Ellen, you look beautiful as always," Peter Ellis says.
"Thank you, Peter."
"Well, now, where is my esteemed opponent?" John Ross asks.
"C.J.'s on his way," says Catlin.
"Well, for somethin' this important, you'd think that he could at least be on time, which is another example of why I am the better man for the job of leading the Cartel," John Ross says. "Would you all want a leader who is chronically late to meetings or doesn't show up at all?"
"He'll BE here, John Ross," Catlin says.
"Christopher, where's your daddy?" Peter Ellis asks. "I thought sure he'd be here."
"He's in court this morning. Katherine Wentworth's trial started today, and my Dad wanted to be there."
"Oh, yeah. I'd forgotten about that," Peter says as C.J. walks in.
"Everyone, sorry I'm a little late," C.J. says.
"That's alright, we all just got here ourselves," says Brandon.
"You know how important this meetin' is, C.J.," says John Ross. "Least you could do is be on time."
"I was all of one minute late, John Ross."
"Look, why don't we get on with this, shall we?" Catlin suggests.
"Good idea," says Christopher. "I'd like to get over to the courthouse as soon as possible myself."
"Okay, so we're gonna do this by secret ballot," says Brandon. "Jordan, would you please hand out the ballots?"
"Sure." Jordan takes several small pieces of paper from Brandon and hands one to each member of the Cartel present with the exception of Christopher, who gets two ballots since he is also voting on behalf of Bobby. Jordan also gives each member an ink pen.
"Okay," says Brandon. "On each piece of paper, are the names of our two contenders, John Ross Ewing, and Catlin Ewing, Jr. Rules are simple. Check beside the name of the person you're voting for.
"Why is it necessary to do this by secret ballot?" John Ross asks.
"To keep things fair," replies C.J. "And, to prevent any hard feelings within the Cartel by.......certain
"Meaning me," John Ross says.
"No offense, John Ross, but you have been known to carry a grudge," C.J. says.
"Okay, everyone, let's vote," says Catlin.
Each member of the Cartel casts their vote, with the exception of Sue Ellen, who simply folds her paper. More than one minute passes as the members vote.
"Is everyone finished?" Brandon asks.
"All done," Peter Ellis replies.
"Jordan,would you please collect everyone's ballots?" Brandon asks.
Jordan takes all 11 ballots and brings them over to Brandon, who places the folded pieces of paper on the table.
Brandon picks up one of the ballots and unfolds it. "One vote for John Ross," he says. He picks up the second ballot. "One vote for John Ross." He picks up the third ballot. "One vote for C.J.," he says, then picks up the fourth ballot. "One vote for John Ross." Brandon picks up the fifth ballot. "One vote for C.J." He moves on and picks up the sixth ballot. "One vote for John Ross," he says. John Ross smiles as he flashes Samantha a look, confident in his win. Brandon picks up the seventh ballot. "One vote for C.J.," he says, picking up the eighth ballot. "One vote for C.J." Moving on, Brandon picks up the ninth ballot. "One vote for C.J.," he says, causing the smile to fade from John Ross's face as he begins to worry about losing. Brandon picks up the tenth ballot. "One vote for John Ross. We're now tied with five votes for C.J. and five for John Ross. Now for the deciding vote." Brandon picks up the eleventh and last ballot. "Appears we have a problem."
"What the hell kind of problem?" John Ross asks.
"Someone didn't vote."
"What?" C.J. asks. "Who didn't vote?"
"Obviously, someone abstained," says Peter.
"Well, it wasn't me," Jason Lee says. "I cast my vote."
"So did I," says Jordan.
"Okay, well, this isn't gonna work," Brandon says. "We have a dead tie, and we need this eleventh vote in order to have a winner."
"Come on," Peter says. "Who the hell abstained from votin'?"
"Sure wasn't me," Samantha says.
"Who wouldn't vote? And why?" C,J. asks.
"Come on, fess up," John Ross says. "Who the hell is messin' up this vote? Christopher?"
"Don't look at me. I cast both mine and my father's votes."
An uncomfortable silence falls over the room for several seconds as everyone looks around at each other, except for Sue Ellen who is looking out the window.
"Nobody wants to confess?" C,J. asks.
"Alright, then what are we gonna do?" Peter asks.
"Well, whoever abstained is gonna need to turn in their vote," replies Brandon.
"I'd like to know who the hell it was," says John Ross. "And so far, almost everyone in this room has said it wasn't them, except........." John Ross looks over at Catlin and Sue Ellen. "...........Except you two. Was it one of you?"
"Yes," Sue Ellen replies as she turn around to face John Ross and the others. "It was me. I didn't vote."
"What?" John Ross asks in an angry tone. "Well, why the hell not?"
"John Ross, I have my reasons," Sue Ellen says.
"Well, I'd like to know what those reasons are. I need your vote."
"Sue Ellen, I think we'd all like to know your reason for not castin' your vote," says Peter Ellis.
"As my wife said, she has her reasons," says Catlin. "She doesn't owe your or anybody else an explanation."
"Well, she owes ME one," John Ross says.
"John Ross, I........"
"Look, do we really, technically NEED her vote?" John Ross asks. "We all know who she would vote for, anyway, so, that means that I won."
"Oh, the HELL it does," says an angry C.J.
"She's my mother, so we all know she would have voted for me."
"Mrs. Ewing, we really do need your vote," Brandon says. "John Ross and C.J. are tied, with five votes each. Your vote will be the tie breaker."
"Mama, come on," John Ross says. "Tell 'em you vote for me."
"Sue Ellen?" C.J. says.
For several seconds that seem like minutes, Sue Ellen looks at her son, then at C.J. and the rest of the people in the room.
"Sue Ellen?" Christopher says. "Who do you vote for? John Ross, or C.J.?"
"Wait a minute," Catlin says. "This was to be done by secret ballot. I say we all vote again, the way we did the first time."
"That wouldn't work," Brandon says. "Since John Ross and C.J. each have five votes, and assuming that everyone votes the way they did before, Mrs. Ewing's vote will not remain secret because, whoever wins is the person she voted for."
"Brandon's right," John Ross says. "Why waste time on another vote when she could just tell us. Come on, Mama. We're all waitin'. Let's hear your vote. Tell them your vote is for me so we can get out of here."
Sue Ellen looks at her son, a tear falling down her face.
"Mama, tell them! Your vote is for me!"
"I'm sorry, John Ross, but......I can't. My vote is........for C.J.," Sue Ellen says, to everyone's shock, especially John Ross's.
C.J. smiles, as does Catlin, Jason, Jordan, and Brandon.
"Well, then, the vote is official," Brandon says. "That's five votes for John Ross, and six for C.J. Congratulations, C.J., you are no the first official leader of the Dallas Oil Cartel."
"Congratulations, son," Catlin says, shaking his son's hand.
"Thanks, Dad."
John Ross angrily looks at his mother for a few seconds. "How the hell could you do this to me?" He asks. "I thought that you would be on MY side, but instead, you chose HIM? Your husband's son over your own?"
"John Ross, if you will let me explain......"
"Explain?! Explain how you stabbed me in the back?"
"How dare you speak to your mother like that," Catlin says.
"You stay the hell out of this. This is between my mother and me, and it's none of your damned business."
"It BECOMES my business when you disrespect my wife. I'll not let any man speak to her that way, especially not you."
"Look, I think we should all get out of here," Samantha Chambers suggests.
"You're right," Brandon says. "I'm sure they all have a lot to talk about."
Silently, Brandon, Samantha, Jason, Jordan, and Peter leave the conference room.
"Dad, I'll see you back at the office," C.J. says. Catlin nods, and his son leaves, too.
"I cannot believe you did this to me, AGAIN!" John Ross says to his mother after the Cartel members leave.
"John Ross, take it easy," Christopher says.
"You stay out of this, too, Christopher," John Ross says. "I'd like to know WHY, Mama. Why did you vote against me."
"Because I didn't want to see you turn back into the man you use to be."
"What in the HELL is that supposed to mean?"
"John Ross, I watched you become drunk with power before," Sue Ellen says. "But you had changed. But now, I see you once again with that look in your eye........that look of ambition, like your father. I think you've changed just in the time you've been running Ewing Oil."
"So you decided you were just gonna sell me out in order to save me from myself, is that it?"
"John Ross, that's enough," Catlin says.
"You're damned right, it's enough," John Ross says. He looks at his mother again. "Nothin's changed, has it?
Nothin' at all. I could never count on you for anything. I couldn't when I was growin' up, and I still can't even now." John Ross turns and storms out of the conference room.
"John Ross......" Catlin says as he starts after him.
"Catlin, NO," Sue Ellen says, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Let him go. He's right. I've let my son down, again."
"Sue Ellen, that's nonsense," Catlin says.
"Sue Ellen, don't beat yourself up," says Christopher. "John Ross'll get over it, he always does. And maybe you were right. Maybe it is best that John Ross didn't become head of the Cartel. Listen, I have to get to the courthouse. I'll see you both later."
"Bye, Christopher," Catlin says as Christopher leaves. Catlin puts his arms around Sue Ellen. "It's gonna be alright, darling."
"John Ross may never forgive me for this. But I honestly did what I thought was best."
Meanwhile, in his office, John Ross stands by the window looking out over the city as he sips on a glass of bourbon. Finishing off the bourbon, he walks to the bar and pours himself a second glass, then a third. After finishing the third glass of bourbon, he walks to his desk, takes a seat, and picks up a framed photo of himself
and Sue Ellen taken when he was a small boy. He stares at the photo for a moment, a look of anger on his face as he thinks about his mother's latest betrayal, as he sees it. The more he looks at the photo, the more the anger rises up inside of him until he can control himself no longer. He takes the photo and angrily throws it as hard as he can against the wall, shattering the frame and the glass, the broken photo symbolizing the now shattered state of his relationship with his mother!
Write a comment
Brian (Tuesday, 22 October 2019 22:28)
Loved it all thank you very much
Parker Bena (Tuesday, 22 October 2019 23:06)
Nicely done. Hopefully, this will be a humbling experience. I understand Sue Ellen's logic in doing what she did.
Parker Bena (Tuesday, 22 October 2019 23:32)
John Ross better look out for Samantha Chambers, but I do think he's got her over a barrel because of her brother's little indiscretions.
Parker Bena (Tuesday, 22 October 2019 23:35)
I wonder if that slime Ricky Hernandez is going to make a move on Courtney.
Kathy (Tuesday, 22 October 2019 23:39)
Good for Sue Ellen. John Ross is out of control again.
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 04:37)
I think Jimmy needs to confront Kaitlyn about what she did to him in order to get closure and maybe then his nightmares will stop.
As for Sue Ellen, i get why she voted against John Ross because she may have known of he became the head of the Cartel he would just use his position to manipulate and put his own needs first before what's best for everyone.Plus i also wonder if Sue Ellen voted against John Ross because she might have known if he became the head of the Cartel he might have become so focused on that that it could have impacted his marriage and his relationship with his kids.
As for Katherine's trial, i'm wondering if Cass will try to get Andre Shumman's letter that implicated Katherine thrown out as evidence or try to discredit it somehow.Plus back in 1985 if i remember correctly Bobby offered give Shumman's wife money to make sure she was taken care of if he confessed to killing Naldo.So if Cass finds that out and brings it up in court it could show Shumman's credibility into doubt and Cass could even point out that someone could have paid Shumman to write that letter implicating Katherine.
LaVince P. (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 07:37)
In part, I get why Sue Ellen did what she did. However, I think she's not giving John Ross a fair chance to prove himself. She just assumes he's like JR. And putting that kind of assumption on a person will make them lash out. A great twist nonetheless. Great work as always John!!!!!
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 07:49)
@LaVince P., To be fair to Sue Ellen she has given John Ross a lot of chances in past to prove himself and she was let down a lot.Plus maybe Sue Ellen doesn't want Krystina to go through with John Ross what she went though with JR in that business and power became JR's main focus to the detriment of everything else in his life.Plus just because CJ has elected the head of the cartel now doesn't mean he'll be in charge forever.So down the line if there's another vote maybe then Sue Ellen will vote for John Ross but maybe she wants to see if her son deserves to be the head of the Cartel.
Robert Watlington (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 08:29)
That was a good episode I can't wait to see how John Ross deals with the latest betrayal of his mother and I hope Bobby Ann and Jenna be able to have peace with this trial of Katherine knowing she's behind bars and hopefully stays there and as far as Kailyn is concerned she's in the place where she needs to be so Jimmy don't have to worry great episode as always thank you
Parker Bena (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 12:03)
Jenna is a cold, calculating manipulative bitch. I think she is going to use Katherine's trial and subsequent conviction as way to explore with Bobby "what could have been". I think she is going to try and come between Bobby and Ann.....again. She needs to be stopped once and for all.
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 12:28)
@Parker Bena I have a feeling that Katherine's trial will bring up a lot of feelings for a lot of characters and make them wonder what could have been.For example Bobby could have flashbacks about how Katherine manipulated him and Pam into getting divorced.
Chris Hawkins (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 12:29)
I really enjoyed this episode!
Parker Bena (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 14:36)
@ Andrew Hass I'm not denying that's possible, but it's a moot point. Pam is dead.
Ada Vincent (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 14:37)
Excellent writing outdid yourself
Verena (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 14:48)
Oh boy, I'm already excited about Katherine's trial. The way she made an appearance in that courtroom was just classic. This trial will open up so many old wounds. Brad is just as egotistical as his father was, but he's right about one thing Justin's involvement with Westar will put a strain on his and Pamela's marriage. Justin and Pamela should be concentrating on other things really, like starting with family planning? ;)
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 15:21)
@Parker Bena Yes Pam is dead but that doesn't mean she has been forgotten by Bobby, Christopher and other people.Plus i wouldn't be surprised if Katherine brings up Pam if only to get a reaction from people because she may know Pam is a sore spot for certain people.
@Verena I agree that Justin's involvement with Westar will put a strain on his and Pamela's marriage.Even though i get why Justin wants to keep those shares maybe he can let someone else handle them for hm.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 16:49)
I understand people’s reasons for why Sue Ellen voted against him, but this is the Ewing Global incident all over again when she voted against him. Then it was another time when Sue Ellen made Bobby railroad commissioner in an effort to keep John Ross from gaining permits, and drilling on Southfork. And now once again here Sue Ellen is voting against him. Geez Louise woman! What the hell are you doing? Why are you constantly voting against this man? Holding his mistakes over his head? If Sue Ellen really doesn’t want Krystina to go through what she did, she will again let her go through this. Sue Ellen forgets that Krystles husband and Krystinas late father Blake Carrington was a lot like John Ross and JR Ewing. Very powerful, very ambitious. If anybody could deal with being with an ambitious man that also has alot of power, Krystina can. She was President of Denver Carrington at one point so she knows the anbitious and powerful side of business. Sue Ellen wasn’t strong enough to deal with that. But Krystina is more than strong enough to deal with that. Krystina ended marrying somebody just is not like her father, that can’t be a bad thing because Krystina loved her father very much.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 16:59)
Plus Sue Ellen and everybody else need to stop thinking that John Ross is like JR. John Ross is similar to JR Ewing his father, but he’s not like him all together. If I were John Ross, I’d be tired of everybody comparing me to my father. John Ross at the end of the day is his own person. He’s been a good father, husband, and he’s doing everything in his power to protect his family. The thing is JR taught John Ross everything he knows about the oil business and every dirty trick in the book. But personally to me JR has more charisma than John Ross has, and even when he’s being a complete dick, JR can still be pretty funny. I love John Ross but he can’t do that quite yet I don’t believe.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 17:36)
But that ending had a lot of drama! Man oh man is John Ross going to be really sore at his mother for a minute. The way he threw that picture of them at the , and he broke the glass and the frame, that really scared the hell out of me! Sue Ellen really messed up on this one. She basically did sale John Ross out in order to save him from himself! How crazy does that sound? But John Ross has a point. Your mother should be your biggest ALI, not your biggest liability and always constantly voting against you. Let’s face it, John Ross has always had tumultuous relationships with both his father and mother. He had to basically raise himself at times. His father showed him the oil business but he didn’t show him much about being much of a husband. John Ross had to basically learn how to be a husband to somebody. Which explains the history of cheating. He only did what he did in his relationships with Pamela and Amanda. So shame on JR for doing that and providing his son with a bad example. But even with that said, John Ross always said he respected his father and even feared him. Now outside of a couple affairs, John Ross has been a loving faithful husband to Krystina. He’s been an amazing father to Alex, Little John, and Little Ellie. People are dissapointed that John Ross resorted back to his old ways, remember this. JR Ewing had too many affairs to count so really people is it that much of an outrage. John Ross has been a loving and faithful husband for 2 years. I already know that JR wouldn’t have lasted a week.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 17:57)
As for the trail, I could see Katherine definitely bringing up the late Pam Barnes and the late Cliff Barnes because those have always been sore spots for Pamela, Afton, and Bobby. I would have loved to see the late Pamela Barnes meet her niece. That would have been really epic and everything. Katherine Wentworth hated Cliff Barnes, she hated him with a passion and I’m sure Bobby at one point did as well. Maybe not now that he’s gone though. It is crazy how Cliff Barnes and Bobby Ewing were friends at one point. And Cliff Barnes hated Katherine Wentworth. I think Katherine Wentworth hated Cliff Barnes more than she hated the Ewings but I think she had equal amount of hate for both. That’s why the Barnes and the Ewings have this common enemy. And I absolutely expect testimony from both members of both families. They need to show the jury just what kind of woman they are dealing with. How crazy is this? For at least one time, the Ewings and Barnes Famalies are on the same side LOL. That’s wild. I’ve seen crazier things.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 18:08)
Somebody out there said it, Verena or Andrew Hass, talked about that evidence, that letter being thrown out as evidence. If that letter gets thrown out, that could truly damage the prosecutions case. But even with that said, Katherine Wentworth is an accessory to crimes her daughter committed, and her son committed as well. Her attempted murder of Ann Ewing is STILL 25 years to life in prison. Even if she doesn’t get the death penalty, which I highly doubt she will get out of, she’s not getting out of that attempted murder charge. She also left Jimmy to die in her mansion. She’s asking for way too much from that hot shot attroney of hers.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 18:32)
Well Andrew Hass and Verena, I think it’s time Justin and Jill admit that they really messed up when concerning these shares. They are in the middle of a war between Westar and Ewing Oil. If they don’t find a way to get rid of those shares, that could definitely put a strain on their marriage for sure. And who would Justin sale those shares to? He’s adamant that he won’t sale those shares to anybody, but I can it’s starting to weigh on him again. I knew Pamela was going to somehow blame Jill for this whole thing. I think their truce might be over at the end of the day. And if Justin is going to be sale those shares, who is he going to share them too? Him and Pamela need to figure him out.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 18:41)
@Kathy: Good for Sue Ellen? There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and powerful. The fact is Sue Ellen is always voting against him on everything. There are too many instances and then she automatically assumes he’s like his father. Sue Ellen wrong here. That’s got to be tough for John Ross because he always feels like she is never on his side.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 19:12)
Parker, I understand the logic in Sue Ellen’s decesion perfectly, but geez, it has got to be so overly frustrating to have a mother who just almost is NEVER on your side, constantly thanks you are up to no good, and thinks you are too much like your father. Sometimes I think she punishes John Ross for his fathers indiscretions, and that’s not right. Trust me, Samantha Chambers and him are done when it comes to sleeping with each other. He didn’t get what he wanted, so he has no use for her, and I don’t typically like blackmail, but he has her right where she wants her. So if she even gets any ideas of calling Krystina, texting Krystina, or showing up to Southfork and spilling the beans to her on their little affair, he will bury her and her brother. It’s just like how he said it, you get in bed with a snake, you will get bitten. And I think Jackie is right, I think Rickey Hernandez is Nicholas Trevinos son wanting to get revenge on Christopher for killing his father.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 19:41)
Well Verena, you are so right. Lord have mercy! This trail is definitely going to open up old wounds for sure! I swear, you could cut the tension in the court with an actual knife with the looks that Katherine was giving Bobby and his family. I think Austin Wentworth and Jonathan Lord are going to make appearances as well. Brad is so god damn egotistical, but his flaw is he lets his arrogrance get the best of him. He thinks he is smarter than he really is, and he isn’t. These were the reasons why Cliff Barnes always ended up losing battles to the Ewings; losing battles to John Ross, losing battles to JR Ewing, losing battles to Clay Beaumont and Michelle Stevens. Cliff Bsrnes just wasn’t very smart and Brad Barnes is not that smart either.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 19:58)
And for what it’s worth, I would definitely love to live on Southfork. The Carrington mansion is awesome too, but that place is too to much like a castle instead of an actual home. It’s way too big to live in that’s for sure. Long-term, Southfork is a place I would love to raise a family in, or a place similar to that would be nice.
Cindy Shaft (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 20:46)
Great story. Sue Ellen definately was right not to vote for John Ross. Samantha is going to be bad trouble for John Ross. You are building up for some really good story lines.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 23 October 2019 22:22)
But Cindy, she ALWAYS seems to be voting against him. I think Sue Ellen likes to punish John Ross for JRs indisrections. And that’s not right. Samantha is not going to be no trouble for John Ross because she brought this on herself. You a single woman who got involved with a married man and you put yourself in position to get blackmailed just in case you wanted to tell Krystina, text Krystina, call her, or show up unnoticed. John Ross said it best, when you get in bed with a snake, expect to be get bitten.
Andrew Hass (Thursday, 24 October 2019 03:22)
@Derek Matthews As for Katherine, her lawyer Cass probably knows there's no chance of getting Katherine off but if he can try to get some of the charges against her dropped or reduced somehow it might be a win for him.Plus for the prosecution to prove that Katherine tried to kill Ann and that she was an accessory to the crimes her children committed people like Ann, Jimmy and others might have to testify and that could open a can of worms in terms of what could be revealed.Plus it could be interesting if the prosecution starts to see her case against Katherine going south a little and tries to make a plea deal because at the end of the day the prosecutor's job is to get a conviction even if it means making a deal that has Katherine confessing to certain crimes but letting her off on other crimes because there's not enough evidence to get a conviction on those charges.
andrew hass (Thursday, 24 October 2019 03:31)
@Derek Matthews I agree that right now John Ross might have Samantha over a barrel but i hope he doesn't get overconfident because there might only be so far he can push Samantha before she fights back.Plus if Samantha can find something on John Ross that can counter his blackmail regarding her brother then it might be a whole other ball game and John Ross does have secrets that he may not want certain people finding out about.For example that deal with ColbyCo he made behind Bobby and Sue Ellen's back that i don't think he has told them about yet.
Andrew Hass (Thursday, 24 October 2019 03:58)
@Derek Matthews Regarding Sue Ellen, i agree that's not fair of her to compare John Ross to JR because they are two different kind of people and John Ross should be judged for himself and his own actions and not be punished for what his father was like.However that been said John Ross doesn't exactly have a good history of doing the right thing because he does at times let power go to his head even if he doesn't mean to get power-hungry.However i do think Sue Ellen could have warned Sue Ellen that there was a chance she was going to vote against him before the meeting and not have him be blindsided.Plus if she had told him that she might vote against him John Ross could have tried to convince her that he wouldn't use his position as Cartel head to manipulate or hurt people.
I agree that Ricky is probably connected to Nicholas Trevino in some way because in a previous chapter Christopher brought up the fact that he killed Nicholas in trying to help Jacob deal with him shooting and killing Austin.So maybe that's foretelling that that the subject of Christopher killing Nicholas will be revisited in some way.
Plus regarding Lucas and Heather, i get why Heather doesn't want to get pregnant because she doesn't want to go through another miscarriage but there are other ways for them to have a baby.For example maybe they could use a surrogate to carry their baby for them and that could create a lot of drama.
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 24 October 2019 16:21)
Andrew Hass, it’s going to be really hard to get those charges thrown out or reduced anyway because Katherine Wentworth has a history of just hurting people altogether. Pam, Jenna, Bobby, Ann, Cliff, Jimmy; she tried killing Bobby on two separate occasions. Look what she’s done to Jenna and Ann. She tried running over her own sister, she came between them when she wrote that letter, and they ended up divorcing. She’s tried to get rid of Jenna on several occasions. Trust me when I say this, ALL of that stuff needs to be brought out in this trail. The Barnes and Ewings for once are actually on the same side because they have a common enemy so that means Bobby, Ann, Jimmy, maybe even Pamela and Afton are going to have to testify. The jury NEEDS to hear exactly what kind of woman Katherine Wentworth really is, and both families know her very well. They have all the answers to their questions. Plus Austin Wentworth and Jonathan Lord are probably going to testify too. This trail is going to have a plethora of witnesses. I’d be very surprised if Katherine somehow gets a shorter sentence.
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 24 October 2019 16:43)
Everybody on DALLAS has secrets Andrew Hass! Everybody on Dallas has done something scandalous at the end of the day. John Ross right now is not worrying about Samantha Chambers right now. He’s worrying about his fragile relationship with his mother right now. The fact is he has her right where he wants her so all she has to do is keep her more shut. As long as she does that, John Ross won’t do anything to bury Samantha or her brother. And that shady deal seems like that whole thing is never going to be resolved. Brad is dumb to get involved with a snake like Adam Carrington. But it will all blow up in his face, just like all his fathers plans. Brad should have just moved on with his life and instead of doing that, you are going to reunite your feud with John Ross. I mean he actually had some sympathy for you when Brads father died because his father died too. Brad just have left it at that. But just like his father, Brad is very egotistical, and he lets his arrogrance get the best of him, and that’s why Cliff Barnes kept losing so many battles or he kept getting outsmarted by people younger and more clever than he is. John Ross will be fine. But if I were Samantha Chambers, I’d just leave John Ross alone, go find yourself a SINGLE man, maybe CJ or something, and go on with your life. John Ross was actually NICE by it. Because if JR was alive, he would have buried Samantha Chambers right on the dot after sleeping with her LOL.
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 24 October 2019 17:10)
Andrew Hass, you don’t need to tell me this about John Ross understand? I know that he doesn’t have a good track record at doing the right thing, but eventually for god sake, you can’t keep punishing somebody for their mistakes forever, and Sue Ellen needs to stop doing that with John Ross. Everybody in the family does because the fact is Everybody in this family has done something they have regretted. But everybody outside of John Ross is also very hyprocrital. They act like they are perfect and that really bothers me. Everybody outside of John Ross and Krystina has a tendency to just act really fake. I mean I know John Ross is not a saint though. But the fact is maybe Sue Ellen just shouldn’t have never voted at all. Because I knew her voting against John Ross would cause nothing but problems. And John Ross and Sue Ellen, not to mention JR have always had tumultuous relationships with each other. It’s a shame that John Ross feels that he can’t ever count on his mother, not now, not growing up, not when she was drinking. And even though he is a grown man, adult children need their parents too. I think John Ross was doing an amazing job running Ewing Oil, and Sue Ellen just didn’t want to see him succeed. I really don’t know why the reason Sue Ellen voted against him, and constantly KEEPS doing it. Like cmon now! I think Ricky Hernandez is the son of Nicholas Trevino and there is going to be some serious fireworks when he reveals that he is. And he wants to get revenge on Christopher for killing his father. And maybe Lucas and Heather could adopt if she doesn’t want to have anymore children, or get pregnant anymore because she’s afraid of miscarriages.
Andrew Hass (Friday, 25 October 2019 04:46)
@Derek Matthews I agree it might be hard or even impossible for some of the charges against Katherine thrown out or reduced but as her lawyer it's Cass's job to do the best he can and if that means trying something that no chance of working so be it.Cass has nothing really to lose in trying to get some of the charges against Katherine dropped or reduced because if he fails Katherine is in the same position she is now.Plus since i think Katherine was pardoned for shooting Bobby all those years ago, i'm wondering Cass might try to get evidence surrounding Katherine's past crimes suppressed since she was pardoned for them.
Andrew Hass (Friday, 25 October 2019 05:22)
@Derek Matthews I agree that Sue Ellen could have let someone else vote for her and if that person voted against John Ross at least Sue Ellen could say she didn't vote against John Ross.Plus maybe Sue Ellen could have voted for John Ross but could have warned him that if he used his position as head of the Cartel for his own selfish reasons she will call another vote and vote him out.That way John Ross would have known he would have to be on his best behavior.
As for Lucas and Heather, there'll a lot of ways they could have another child.They could try to adopt as you point out or try to find a surrogate that could carry their baby for them.However i do think before Lucas and Heather try to have another child they both need time to relax after everything that has happened before jumping into more drama.
Karyn Raschke (Friday, 25 October 2019 17:10)
Wow John, stunning episode! John Ross needed to be brought down a peg or two! He traded his marriage vows for power! He has no integrity when it comes to power and control! He didn’t even play us smart with that Chambers wonan! Then tick her off before the vote! I enjoyed the interaction between Justin and Brad. Even though Brad didn’t get what he wanted, they talked it out! Courtney needs to fess up with Shawn. Rather let Gavin do it! Great story again John!
Derek Mathews (Saturday, 26 October 2019 11:47)
Karyn, I’m just tired of watching Sue Ellen constantly VOTE against this man, her son. I mean seriously?!!! At times I feel bad for John Ross. I know he doesn’t always do the right thing, but that’s no reason to constantly keep voting against him, and punishing him for all the bad decesions he’s made. I think sometimes Sue Ellen blames John Ross for JRs indiscretions, and that’s not fair. His mother should be his biggest ALI, not his biggest liability. She’s proven time and time again that John Ross can’t count on her, not now, not when he’s growing up, and especially not when she’s drinking. The whole thing for power and ambition, there’s nothing wrong with that. But Sue Ellen couldn’t handle it with JR. She proved she wasn’t strong enough. But Miss Ellie proved that she was strong enough when she was with Jock, a guy who had power and ambition. Krystinas mother Krystle was married to Krystinas late father Blake Carrington, who also has power and ambition. Blake Carrington is a lot like JR and John Ross, minus the history of cheating. Krystina could have handled being with somebody with ambition and power. She knows what that is like. So the whole affair didn’t matter anyway, and it’s over. And just in case Samantha Chambers gets stupid and tries to expose him to Krystina or anything else, he will bury her and her brother. I have no sympathy for Samantha Chambers! You are a single woman involved in an affair with a happily married man. She put herself in the position to get blackmailed. She got nobody to blame but yourself.
Andrew Hass (Saturday, 26 October 2019 15:23)
@Derek Matthews I have a question.If John Ross is blackmailing Samantha Chambers regarding her brother then why did he sleep with her?He already had something on her.So he had no reason to sleep her.And yes it was wrong of Samantha Chambers to have sex with John Ross but she didn't force him into have sex with her.They were both equally guilty for what happened between them.Plus even if you point out the affair between John Ross and Samantha is over Krystina may not see it that way because John oss still cheated on her and she might even wonder if John Ross took advantage of her going to Denver for Dominique's funeral to cheat on her.Plus maybe Krystina can handle been married to John Ross who is ambitious and power hungry but she may not be able to handle been married to a man who will cheat on her to get what he wants.Plus since you mentioned Krystina's father Blake did he ever cheat on Krystle to make a business deal or to blackmail someone?There might have been lines Blake never would have crossed to make a deal or to get what he wanted because he may not have wanted to risk losing Krystle.
As for Sue Ellen, i agree with you that maybe she's blaming John Ross for JR's indiscretions and maybe she's not even aware she's doing it.Plus Sue Ellen is afraid that John Ross will turn into JR and when JR died what did he really have in his life?Two of his sons weren't in his life and neither were his grandchildren.So maybe Sue Ellen fears that when John Ross dies he won't have anyone in his life because he would have pushed them all away because of his hunger for power.
Derek Mathews (Saturday, 26 October 2019 17:55)
Andrew Haas, he slept with her to gain her loyalty to become the new leader of the cartel. That’s why he even did it in the first place. But it doesn’t matter now because he didn’t think his mother would blindside him AGAIN, and she’s done it quite a few times. No I don’t think it’s right that they both are doing this, but remember this. This is Dallas. I don’t like the cheating but this is a drama based on betrayal so some of that is going to be in there. Second, John Ross has leverage on Samantha Chambers and Krystina is never going to find out anyway. If there is no drama, there is no story. But it’s a moot point anyway. Continuing, that’s why I said Blake Carrington was a lot like JR and John Ross MINUS the cheating. Is that clearer for you? Again, MINUS and MINUS the cheating. I never ever said Blake Carrington cheated on Krystle to secure a business deal. I just said she knows what it is like to be married to a powerful and ambitious man. Sue Ellen knows what it is like too. And now Krystina knows what it is like too. But she witnessed all of this growing up. But after this, I really doubt John Ross will be cheating on Krystina anymore. But it’s John’s story, not ours. No Krystina won’t see it this way, but John Ross right now is not worried about no Samantha Chambers right now. He’s worried about his fragile relationship that he has with his mother because I know he’s beyond his mother voted against him again. How in the world does John Ross take advantage of Krystina when he was in Denver for her Aunt Dominique’s funeral? The fact is he got there. Now did he not show up at first, no he didn’t. But Samantha Chambers again won’t be causing no more trouble for John Ross. She tried to play him and in the end she got played. Just like John Ross said, you get in bed with a snake, you get bitten.
Derek Mathews (Saturday, 26 October 2019 18:09)
Well if that’s the truth, then Sue Ellen needs to tell John Ross that. And I think John Ross has way more than his father did when JR died. He has a wife, he has three children, and a whole family he loves. And that includes the rest of the Ewings. He loves his whole entire family. Well don’t worry, she messed the whole thing up and everything so there is no chance he’s going to get that power now. She needs to stop thinking John Ross and JR are the same people. They are similar but at the end of the day, John Ross and JR are two totally different people.
John Walden (Saturday, 26 October 2019 20:30) be fair, though, Sue Ellen did try to get out of it by not voting at all. It was John Ross and the other Cartel members who put her in that position by forcing her to vote.
Andrew Hass (Sunday, 27 October 2019 07:52)
@Derek Matthews I agree that right now John Ross has way more than what JR had when he died but that might not always be the case.For example i'm sure when JR was John Ross's age he didn't think he would die the way he died with not having a relationship with 2 of his sons.
As for John Ross, yes he wasn't elected head of the Cartel but do you really think he's going to give up his quest for power and maybe not becoming Cartel head might make him even more determined to get power.Plus i wouldn't be surprised if John Ross schemes to sabotage CJ in some way because he may figure if he can CJ ousted as Cartel leader there could be another vote and he could be elected then.Plus lets say Sue Ellen had voted for John Ross some people might have thought she just voted for him because he's her son and not because she thought he would make a good leader of the Cartel.Just like Caitlin's vote for CJ could be questioned because CJ is his son.So maybe both Sue Ellen and Caitlin should have been abstained for voting because each of their sons was the nominees for Cartel Head or they could have been allowed to let someone else vote for them.Plus i wonder if Christopher voted for John Ross but voted Bobby's proxy for CJ and that way he didn't vote twice for the same person.
Derek Mathews (Sunday, 27 October 2019 15:29)
@John Walden: You are extactly right LOL. The cartel members DID in fact put her in that position. And yes she absolutely did try getting out of voting. So you have really excellent points I didn’t consider. Thank you for having me see those points.
Derek Mathews (Sunday, 27 October 2019 15:57)
Well I’m sure JR didn’t think that. But a lot of that was Cidre messing with the bad writing, and everything. I never said it was going to stop. Yes John Ross will be more than determined to become cartel leader. I’m sure of that. But let’s face it, John Ross is apart of a very wealthy, very powerful, very prominent family. Jock Ewing always told JR that if you want power, you have to take it or seize it or whatever. Jock told JR and JR told John Ross this. I’m sure John Ross already has CJ and his mother on his shit list, and everything too. So CJ is going to be causing problems for John Ross for a while now. Bobby has been on a power trip at some point. I remember when Sue Ellen made him Railroad Commissioner. And that was in a last minute effort by Sue Ellen in order to keep John Ross from gaining permits to drilling on Southfork. And JR has had his power trip moments. John Ross has had them too. Jock has had them to. Facts are it would have been better if NEITHER Sue Ellen or Catlin voted. That would make way more sense. That way there would be no hard feelings.
Andrew Hass (Sunday, 27 October 2019 19:31)
#Derek Matthews Back when JR was shot on the original series and Bobby took over running Ewing Oil and Bobby thought Jock was undermining his authority at the company he reminded his dad that he gave him the power.However Jock set Bobby straight by saying, 'Nobody gives you power.Power is something you take!'So if John Ross wants power like been head of the cartel he needs to take it and not just have it be handed to him because his mother voted for him.Plus lets say Sue Ellen had broken the tie and voted for him some of the other cartel members might not have really respected him since he would have become cartel leader due to his mother voting for him.As for CJ, his dad Caitlin probably voted for him but if he hadn't would CJ have held it against his dad even if it might have costed him the spot as Cartel head?Plus i agree it might have been if neither Caitlin or Sue Ellen had voted or they each could have let someone else vote for them.That way at least neither of them could be blamed for how the vote turned out.However i'm worried that Sue voting against John Ross might eventually cause problems between her and Caitlin because more than likely John Ross will go after CJ in some way and Caitlin would most likely would come to his son's defense which would pit him against John Ross.Then Sue Ellen could be caught between her husband and her son.
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 30 October 2019 18:24)
Sue Ellen and Caitlin shouldn’t have voted at all because this thing is going might come between them because I know John Ross is going after CJ. And that means he’s going to clash against Caitlin too. Which means that is going to put Sue Ellen in a very awkward position where she has to choose between Caitlin her husband and her son John Ross. I’m very aware of the scene you are talking about. And John Ross wants power, nothing wrong with that. But he is going to have to take it at the end of the day if that is what you want. I remember that scene you are talking about Jock told Bobby that real power is something you take.
Andrew Hass (Thursday, 31 October 2019 03:50)
Or maybe Sue Ellen and Caitlin could have waited to vote until all the other votes had been counted and see if their votes would have mattered.For example if John Ross had 3 more votes than CJ then it wouldn't have mattered if Sue Ellen and Caitlin had voted against him because he would have won by one vote.As for John Ross, i agree that there's nothing wrong with him wanting power but him wanting power shouldn't become the most important thing in his life to the detriment of everything else in his life.So i hope John Ross doesn't become so focused in getting power that he pushes everyone and everything else in his life away.
Sara Duckworth (Thursday, 31 October 2019 11:23)
Andrew Hass, you are right. Too much power can get to your head. Sometimes parents have to do what is considered tough love. If you mess up, people have a reasonable reason to doubt you. Like they say if you fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on you. John Ross chooses power over his family and loved ones at times. If JR ended up alone in the end he had no one to blame, but himself. Same if John Ross ends up alone. Krystina is used to powerful people and the business, but when you are married you don’t ever cheat on your wife even if it is was just a fling. That is immoral no matter the reason. If on the off chance Krystina ever finds out, she won’t take it lying down. Bobby tried giving JR the benefit of the doubt so many times over the years, but JR always was double dealing behind his back. JR crossed the line many times. Even Jock said after JR mortgaged Southfork, “I taught JR every thing he knows. I just never taught when to stop.” John Ross wants respect from his family he needs to earn it. I believe if you want respect earn it. Bobby and Sue Ellen along with Christopher both run Ewing Oil too. They are both entitled to know what is going on and have a difference of opinion. It may be frustrating, but John Ross just needs to stop throwing tantrums like a child. JR never once lost his composure. He may have heated discussions, but he never throw tantrums.
Sara Duckworth (Thursday, 31 October 2019 11:29)
I meant fool me twice shame on me. Sorry, it’s still a little too early in morning for me. Lol
Andrew Hass (Thursday, 31 October 2019 14:16)
@Sara Duckworth I agree with you completely.Plus as far as i know Sue Ellen still doesn't know about that deal John Ross made with ColbyCo.So when and if Sue Ellen finds out that that might make her realize she made the right choice voting against John Ross because learning about that deal with ColbyCo could show her that she can't trust her son.As for Krystina, yes her father may have been power hungry and business driven at times but as far as i know he never cheated on Krystle to make a deal.I could see Krystina understanding John Ross blackmailing Samantha regarding her brother because that's business but she may not understand why he slept with her.Plus as you point out JR lost his composure when things didn't go his way because he always looked towards the next deal or whatever.Plus maybe on the original series when JR was voted out of Ewing Oil because of how he set up Cliff and his mom Miss Ellie voted against him i don't think he held it against her and he might have understood she voted against him because she may have thought it was for his own good.So maybe John Ross needs to learn that Sue Ellen may have thought voting against him was for his own good.Also i'm wondering if Sue Ellen voted against her son because maybe she knew Jock sort of let JR run wild with Ewing Oil and maybe if Jock had put put his foot down sooner with JR maybe things would have been different for JR.So Sue Ellen might be trying to stop John Ross from becoming like his father where power and money became the most important things in his life before it's too late.So John Ross may hate his mom for doing it but Sue Ellen may think it's worth him hating her if he's happy with his wife and kids.
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 31 October 2019 15:41)
@Sara Duckworth? When is the next Hart to Hart episode? It’s been a minute since I have read your last episode. Anyway, you made a lot of sense, but I’m just tired of everybody hounding John Ross for mistakes he’s made. And I swear when he does make mistakes, they hold it against him forever. At times, I mean Bobby, Sue Ellen, and Christopher have ALL done things that they have regretted. Bobby is annoying half the time. I’ve never met a more self-righteous, sanctimonious, person than I have in him. Lecturing other people for their mistakes, but never looking at the ones he has made himself. Sue Ellen is an alcoholic, or at least one time she was an alcoholic. She drank while she was pregnant with John Ross. She’s had affairs too. All I know is I’ve known Bobby to get his hands really dirty when it comes to business deals. Like seriously Bobby? You think your shit doesn’t stink? Christopher, you had an affair with your cousins wife for god sake. And I still remember when he pounced on Elena in the TNT series after John Ross and her broke up? He didn’t even wait one day? Your cousin and his ex-fiancé just break up, you couldn’t wait one day? Cmon man. I was really disappointed when Christopher did that. But his family can be annoying because they think they are perfect all the time.
Derek Mathews (Thursday, 31 October 2019 16:39)
I know sometimes parents have to also do the tough love thing and everything. But what I don’t like is how John Ross continually gets racked over the coals when it comes to mistakes he’s made. I mean if I were John Ross, I’d hate to always have to hear that I’m like my father. And then It comes like everybody wants me to pay for my fathers indiscretions. No I don’t think that the cheating is ok, but both Krystina and John Ross have cheated on each other. Krystina will never find out about the affair because John Ross has warned Samantha, you get stupid on me, call my wife, text my wife, or show up to unannounced to Southfork, and try to expose me, I will bury you and your brother. For the most part, John Ross has been a very loving husband and father. His family should respect him more on that alone. And I love how people wanna get crazy about a couple affairs. JR had so many affairs, to many affairs to account. JR never was faithful for no 2 year years. JR couldn’t even be faithful for a week let alone 2 years.
Andrew Hass (Thursday, 31 October 2019 17:41)
#Derek Matthews I don't think it's fair that John Ross is continually raked over the coals for mistakes he's made in the past but he keeps making mistakes and so he doesn't learn from his past mistakes.Plus as you point out both John Ross and Krystina have cheated on each other but if i remember correctly Krystina was manipulated into cheating on John Ross by Brad.Plus if you really think Krystina's never going to find out about John Ross having sex with Samantha no offense but i have a bridge i want to sell you then,I think we all know Krystina's going to find out eventually that John Ross cheated on her and the question might be when it happens and how she finds out and what she does to retaliate against John Ross.For example would she reveal John Ross's deal with ColbyCo to Bobby and Sue Ellen as revenge?
Sara Duckworth (Thursday, 31 October 2019 20:32)
@DerekMatthews I’m working on the next Hart To Hart episode now. It’s a Christmas episode so I’m waiting to post it November 30 so it will be available to read near the Christmas holiday. I may be a good writer like our friend John, but sadly I do not work as fast as he does. I’m working on that. This episode is halfway finished so I’ll have time to write 2 more episodes hopefully to post January of next year. Sorry about the delay!
Parker Bena (Thursday, 31 October 2019 23:23)
@Sara Duckworth Cool. Where can I find these? @Andrew Hass Adam Carrington (who, by the way, is a traitor and should die) is doing a deal with an embargoed nation. That is against the laws of this country. He and Brad Barnes are going to end up in Federal prison anyway and will probably die there. Alexis knew about this and allowed it to happen. She SHOULD go to Federal prison too, but will probably weasel out of it because of her age.
Andrew Hass (Friday, 01 November 2019 04:45)
#Parker Bena Yes i know Adam is doing business with an embargoed nation and he should be punished for it but any other company that is connected to ColbyCo could be implicated too even if it's just association.Plus on the original series JR hired BD Calhoun to blow up oil fields in the Middle East.So if and when it comes out that ColbyCo is doing business with a embargoed country some people could think Ewing Oil was involved in it too somehow because of their past history.Also i'm sure Alexis knew that ColbyCo was doing business with an embargoed company but she may have made sure her hands were clean.For example she made sure Adam's name is the only one on documents or whatever and claim she didn't know what Adam was doing.
Sara Duckworth (Friday, 01 November 2019 08:20)
@Parker Bena, you can join my group, Hart To Hart Lives On (Group For All My Hart To Hart Episodes). Send me a request, and I’ll add you. The episodes pick up right after the series ended after cancellation in 1984. John reads all my episodes for feedback before I post them. After completing this season, I am going to create a Wordpress site where all the episodes are in in the same place. Please feel free to spread word around about my group. If anyone you know doesn’t have Facebook, who wants to read my episodes, private message me. I’ll send you the link to the site to email. Thank you for inquiring! ���
Derek Mathews (Friday, 01 November 2019 21:53)
How is she going to find out Andrew Hass? Well let John Ross beat himself up then, I’m just tired of the lectures they give him. The only people that know about the affair are John Ross and Samatha Chambers. The ONLY other way she would find out is if Samantha Chambers had their encounters on video tape or camera or pictures being taken of them. And so far I haven’t seen ANY EVIDENCE that she has that. And John Ross has already warned her, you try to get stupid on him and try to expose him, he will bury her and her brother, especially since he knows about her brothers indiscretions. Krystina is not a stupid woman, I know that, but she isn’t physic though either LOL. So again, if there is no evidence of an affair, no receipts at the hotel, no pictures, no video tape, or audio tape or something else, then guess what my man? There is no evidence. It’s just like being accused of murder. If there is zero evidence, then the killer or killers walk free. Same thing with being accused of cheating. If you don’t have any evidence, you are going to look really silly accusing somebody of something so serious don’t you think? And exposing John Ross of that Colby Co Deal if she did find out would make her look petty as hell, and I know women are extremely petty when they get mad. So again, it’s not something I would do. Like have you ever in your life watched a show called forsensic files? You know what catches those criminals? First a timeline catches them. Then there is forensic evidence like a time line, receipts, pictures, audio tape, video tape of this affair, and guess what there is none. Next, if you are going to accuse somebody like that, you need a who, where, and why at least. Krystina doesn’t know of that. So therefore there’s no forsensic evidence and so far John Ross has done a good job of covering his tracks.
Andrew Hass (Saturday, 02 November 2019 05:25)
@Derek Matthews Well Kristina or someone could overhear John Ross and Samantha talking about their " little arrangement" and that's how John Ross is exposed.Plus i don't think John Walden would have had John Ross cheat on Krystina unless he had plans to have it come out later because otherwise where's the drama of John Ross cheating if it will be forgotten?However i do wonder if Krystina won't be the first person to find out that John Ross cheated.For example maybe Alex somehow finds out that John Ross cheated and then is torn over what to do.Plus i also wonder if Samantha down the line tapes John Ross talking about their affair because then she could have proof if and when she needs it and John Ross might become overconfident that he might not think Samantha might tape him.
Derek Mathews (Saturday, 02 November 2019 10:25)
You are grasping for straws my man. Those are theories you are taking about. And how would Alex even know? The only way he finds out is if John Ross tells him, and I doubt John Ross would be stupid enough to tell him because young adults don’t need to know anything about that. That’s not the type of conversation a father should have with his son concerning his stepmother, a stepmother he adores. His little arrangement? There is no evidence of that either. Plus the object is to keep Krystina and John Ross together, not break them up again. The fact is this supercouple needs to be having sex with each other, not other people. It’s John Ross, he’s always overconfident but if I were Samantha Chambers I wouldn’t even try that stunt of taping him talking about having their affair because to do that, she would have to be in front of him to do that. What she needs to do is leave him alone, and find somebody single to deal with. Go to one of the cartel members, I’m sure they are all single. So again, the last time she tried a stunt like that, she got played and blackmailed over her brothers indiscretions. So again I wouldn’t try nothing stupid if I were her. Just leave him alone, and find somebody else. Right now, John Ross has bigger problems than Samantha Chambers, and that is his fragile relationship with his mother. And I’m sure CJ is on his shit list too. The way this episode ended means I would not want to be in Sue Ellen’s shoes the next episode and everything. She has some major explaining to do at the end of the day. Some major explaining to do. Based on the decesion that she made.
Andrew Hass (Saturday, 02 November 2019 12:13)
My point was Alex or someone could overhear John Ross and Samantha talking about their "arrangement"As for you saying Samantha should leave John Ross alone, if i remember correctly Samantha didn't force John Ross to go to her apartment or to have sex with her.Yes she may have given him a key to her apartment but he didn't have to use it.Plus since i think John Ross had that info regarding Samantha's brother to blackmail there was no reason for him to sleep with her.I agree that Samantha shouldn't have gone after John Ross who's married but as a far as i know she's single.Which means she's free to have sex with whoever she wants and not be accused of cheating.I'm also sure CJ will be on John Ross's hit list but at least as far as i know CJ didn't have to blackmail other cartel members to vote for him unlike John Ross.If John Ross really thought he would have been a better leader of the Cartel than CJ why did he have to resort to blackmail to get votes and not just let people vote however they wanted?
Derek Mathews (Sunday, 03 November 2019 09:58)
He has no use for her now so I think that she and him are done for. He didn’t get what he wanted so he’s done with her. Well so far we haven’t seen any evidence of that either so again you are grasping at straws. For someone or Alex to overhear their little arrangement, again Samantha would have to be in front of him for all that to occur. I remember it was just them so we don’t know who overheard want. Let me tell you something about people in power, to even remotely get in positions like that, you have to be willing to get your hands dirty. That’s why the blackmail is not a big deal. The blackmail was for insurance to make sure Samantha didn’t do anything stupid like contacting his wife, texting, calling, or just showing up unexpectedly to Southfork. So again John Ross and Samantha are done for. That’s my whole point. Samantha Chambers is a single woman so I would advise her to stop going after married men after this experience. Just deal with single people from now on at the end of the day.
Andrew Hass (Sunday, 03 November 2019 11:55)
Last time i checked Samantha is still a member of the cartel and even though CJ has been elected head of the Cartel i don't think that gives him absolute power.For example the Cartel could vote on other things down the line and John Ross could blackmail Samantha again to make sure she votes on his side on any issue the Cartel might vote on in the future.Plus John Ross even told Samantha he will continue to blackmail her in the future and even though he has lost one battle with CJ regarding which of them will be Cartel head it doesn't mean he has given up the war.As for John Ross, my point is regarding him blackmailing Samantha is that if he had evidence against her brother to blackmail her there was no reason for him to have sex with her.He could have just blackmailed her with what he had on her brother to keep her in line and not have sex with her.
Will (Monday, 04 November 2019 03:07)
I don't understand the defense of John Ross. When the ColbyCo deal comes out, John Ross will have his power removed and will be lucky if he isn't kicked out of Ewing Oil all together. Bobby will be extremely hot over it!
Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 06 November 2019 02:05)
Well I haven’t seen any evidence of that, and Will I don’t believe John Ross is a bad person. But the Ewings as a family can be very judgemental and hyprocritical towards him. I don’t know why Bobby would be hot, it’s not as if hasn’t done the same thing. But then again I have never met a more self-righteous, santomious, hyprocritical, and judgemental person than Bobby. All he does is judge people. Geez Louise! That’s annoying as hell. He doesn’t realize how he comes across. And you are missing the point Will. I’m just saying that his mother constantly is voting against him. Think about what that does to a kid or even to a full-pledge adult? John Ross has always had such a tumultuous relationship with his mother because he feels he can’t count on her. Same thing when it comes to Miss Ellie’s relationship with JR. His mother favored Gary over JR, and we saw how that worked out. And as much as I loved Jock, he favored Bobby over JR too. So of course that had an impact on him.
Andrew Hass (Wednesday, 06 November 2019 04:37)
@Derek Matthews I don't think anyone is saying John Ross is a bad person.He just makes bad mistakes and i do think he honestly thinks the things he does will help Ewing Oil even though the way he does things is wrong.Plus even if Bobby is self-righteous, sanctimonious, hypocritical and judgmental it doesn't give John Ross a pass for the bad things he does.Plus John Ross making that deal with ColbyCo isn't the first time he's done something behind Bobby and Sue Ellen's backs.So unless Bobby and Sue Ellen show John Ross that his actions have consequences he'll continue to do things behind their backs and then they have to clean up his mess.So maybe if and when that deal with ColbyCo blows up in John Ross's face maybe Bobby and Sue Ellen need to step back and let John Ross clean up that mess for himself since he's the one who created it in the first place.
Will (Friday, 08 November 2019 11:23)
But what if the ColbyCo plan fails and threatens the financial future of Ewing Oil?
John, didn't Sue Ellen and John Ross have a conversation about his dealings and doesn't she know about the ColbyCo deal?
Go back to some earlier episodes. I've lost count how many people John Ross has blackmailed to get what he wants.